I See My Thoughts On The Quetzalcoatl Demon Seeds Is Catching On

I See My Thoughts On The Quetzalcoatl Demon Seeds Is Catching On

I’m happy! This a Thanks-giving and Christmas present ? rolled into juan – lol – pun intended ?? That said, Eye sea my thoughts on the demon seeds are catching on. With permission from others I’ll do a blog someday showing all the folks – san names – who support what I say on the wetback! They need to be wiped out! Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians If what this says is true…. if the visions are true, which I sense they are: Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist More

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Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

  Wetbacks are pure evil, just like they daddy, Quetzalcoatl: Pure fucking evil. Ever since the days after their draco reptilian parents created them, they been murdering, torturing, cutting up folks since…. It is in their dna. I do not come with sentimentality, emotion (the ways in which enemies try to attack you to attack what you know to be the truth) but pure empirical observation corroborated by extensive research, and evidence which they so happily provide…. That said, let me show what I know….. ALLL throughout my healing period, I have been getting interrupted by these creatures often when

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