How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

How Soul Healing Keeps Entity Attachments Away And Why EVERYONE NEED TO DO IT

I did something last night that finally removed what I thought was an entity attachment but turned out to be an energy block at the base of my spine aka kundalini….. I still got some work to do with the back of my neck where the entryway for your Soul lies (I think it’s past life shit causing it)…… In light of this everyone with deeply embedded traumas that causes blackouts aka energy blocks in your Soul….. Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP It’s like with roaches and wetbacks who I use raid

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Healing And Mending My Soul Back Together Again

Healing And Mending My Soul Back Together Again

This shit – what I am going thru is a REAL spiritual awakening. It ain’t that frilly shit of unicorns shitting rainbows as new (c)agers as would have you believe ??? I have seen MANY folks with souls who, as I did, started off being EXTREMELY EMPATHETIC where they were not in control of their emotions just as seizure victims aren’t in control of their bodies. That is exactly how it feels….. That shit is happening cause it is your Soul crying out for help telling you you need to heal this, you need to mend this. That is why

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I Have Completely Healed

I Have Completely Healed

RIGHT BEFORE I WAS GONNA PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE LOOKA THIS BITCH HERE   These nasty ass sacral chakra stealing sexual energy vampires…. I break the shit down in the blog! I’m 37…. pushing 40! Anyways, looka the pic above. I look young, huh!? Finally! I can’t believe this day has come. It took a long time, 19 years to be exact, but I have healed. The healing process ain’t fucking easy either. I can’t tell you all the disruptions I faced like, take a look at this wetback motherfucker here named Raymond: – Don’t he look like Charles Manson? Alright,

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The Reptilian Seeds of Quetzalcoatl Are Meant To Keep Us In A Low Vibratory State

The Reptilian Seeds of Quetzalcoatl Are Meant To Keep Us In A Low Vibratory State

This looks power-full ???? They keep proving me right…. UPDATE Just now, I am recognizing I SAY NO FUCKING LIES! I just saw those demon ass WETBACKS pass by in cars in an intimidating manner, with one calling me a “bitch” not too long after I dropped this article! This means that everything I said is THE TRUTH and they are trying to get me to suppress speaking the truth, which I won’t (I will ‘woke they ass if need be, even collectively) AND that they are working towards fucking up my spiritual development cause, as I said, they are

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I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

….I think! – You can btw see the spirits to the left (our right) coming from the spirit realm as exemplified by the ghostly light while I in the 3D fight them. I think it was designed to do so! Based on what I am knowing, finding out NOW I truly believe that the satanic phase I went thru – at least for me – was designed to, well fuck I said it here: Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants Removing Spider Web Internal Programs And Entities While Healing designed to help me

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