Foreboding Nightmare About LAPD, Drugs and Murder

My friend had the first dream, and I had two of the same one twice in a row… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The cosmic universe is telling me something…I believe that when you dream, you go into parallel universes, etc. However, your dreams can be a precognitive thought into the realm of what is going to happen to you in the future, hence the term “precognition” where you can see something before it takes place. That is what I feel both dreams, rather, NIGHTMARES that is is telling me…   I have always had somewhat psychic

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Bank of America Discriminates Against Topless Female and LAPD Called and the Unruh Act

Okay, see this shit I have talked about long before in the past and will continue to talk about NOW:   Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28870″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is all about rape, rape victim blame and male domination of womyn’s and other femail’s (little girls) bodies for men’s reproductive benefit! As one of the male misogynist cops in this video expressed to me, “They are different”, with regards to my asking him about the displaying of my breasts and then stating it is NO DIFFERENT than a man’s, he then turned around and said that as a rebuttal

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What Happened to Mitrice Richardson

Edit: Alot of people think this the bitch who did it; this whyte bytch! Years ago, back in 2009, a young black womyn went missing….   No, she wasn’t a Trayvon Martin, or another lil nigger thug (not saying Trayvon is) named Michael Brown who beat up on a store security clerk and somehow got the adulation (and well deserved jeers) of the public for being a lil nigger thug and causing a strong armed robbery and so thus causing his own demise….   No, she wasn’t any of these pieces of shit (saving Trayvon, cause in my mind’s eye

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The Rapist Mindset

 See this kinda – “sweet” looking guy right here: He left this message on my youtube yesterday regarding one of my topless videos where he had this to say (you can go ahead and read it and I will paraphrase it below): Anyways, basically what this neanderthal, black neanderthal at that, was saying was: “Because I am a womyn and he is a man he has every right to burst into my body however he wishes cause he can’t help his misogynist urges…so therefore it is up to me to control him for him by wearing or dressing down and

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