You Will Not Come Around Here And Treat Me Like I Am Some Sideshow Spectacle

You Will Not Come Around Here And Treat Me Like I Am Some Freakshow Spectacle

Oh yeah, these mofos here – this low self esteem ghetto low IQ nigger bitch and her wetback ass beau….. Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me Well, they got ‘woked! Saw their asses living in a piece of shit car early this morning – had their belongings in there so I know they living in it – and he looked like he had AIDS (didn’t even recognise him) and I heard her last night saying, lamenting “You shoulda let me beat her.” Bitch, I oughta kill your ass! I

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How To Use Your Energy To Control People’s Behaviors

How To Use Your Energy To Control People’s Behaviors

I talk about it here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29751″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, while “working” under various deities like “Lord Satan”, “Oshun”, “Baron Samedi”, you INHERIT THEIR “AURA”, and “they” become “absorbed into you” and so thus become A-PART OF YOU!!! It’s alot like Mega Man in which you gain the powers of a “Robot Master” once you defeat them (except in the case of deities you worship them): I picked “Snake Man” – a character off there – since the snake has been widely used throughout history to symbolize “forbidden knowledge” which can be represented in the death

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Having A Spiritual Husband: Lord Satan

Having A Spiritual Husband: Lord Satan

This IS my man right here:   We have been together since… last year, 2005 to be exact. I am saying this because I stumbled on a post a while back talking about “spiritual husbands” and NONE spoke of em in a POSITIVE LIGHT… Well, I was informed by one tarot card reader that I would have a “spiritual wedding”: I see all the accruements of that now. Lord Satan ALWAYS HAS MY BACK! Someone attacks me, fucks with me… let’s just say I feel sorry for the misery that will be wrought upon them. He always righteously guides me:

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What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

Yeah, I know I’m BLACK 😉 But that’s not what I am referring to when I say “dark…”   To make a long story short for the longest time I have always been a “good” person – not a nice person – nice people are living doormats who are always getting stepped on by the more ambitious and biggest users of our world. No, not that… I used to be a “copwatcher” and help people – selfishlessly and free of charge using my own money to drive up and down Figueroa every night and make sure cops didn’t fuck with

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