Why I Would Never Want To Be A Star In Hellyweird

Why I Would Never Want To Be A Star In Hellyweird

…Or better yet a SELL-eb which is more accurate. Where do I begin? Okay, I had a vision early this morning that I was – as always – back at my old house. There was a storm from what I can recall severly hitting the dinning room table which I have seen IN ALOT of my 4D visions/astral travels what have you. That said, I recall and I think it was influenced by this VERY good story I read off of reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/7gse46/my_friend_has_been_living_in_an_alternate_reality/ In which there was a giant that was lurching around looking for me – I think it

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Why The Elite Is Dropping Harvey Weinstein and Others

Why The Elite Is Dropping Harvey Weinstein and Others

This shit been going on for eons as I note here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/02/why-wendy-williams-really-fainted/ So ask yourself this question…why the hoopla now? Cause shit about to hit the fan and they know it! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29755″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, they ain’t dropping these suckers for naught… With movies like this: And folks like Jonathan Kleck revealing their bs, such as their planned disasters to destroy the East Coast… (Notice they use so called MK Ultra “stars” to convey what’s coming…) Or as I have seen, the West Coast (I for a while kept having nightmares of a huge

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Why Wendy Williams REALLY Fainted

Why Wendy Williams REALLY Fainted

She saw some scary shit; HERE IT IS: THAT’S P.J., the lil ugly roach looking creature you can see on the Bohemian Grove pamphlet here: https://www.prisonplanet.com/alex_jones_tells_his_story.html …who SWEEPS UP THE ASHES OF SACRIFICIAL VICTIMS. She saw DROVES OF EM… I talk about it more here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29739″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THAT SAID, I know what she saw cause I have seen em… they are ugly lil roach astral entities (on the lower rungs of the 4th dimension – astral plane, the Earthbound realm which is closest to the Earth) that have black and brown “roach” bodies –

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Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Look at this ugly black BITCH: IT’S name is Maya Roseman (Obviously she married to a KHAZARIAN KIKKKE JEW – one of those natural hair obsessed SELF HATERS) who works at – among all others – Sony Pictures! Anyways I’m outing this BITCH cause the HELL-LIE-weird gangstalking is REAL AND IS IN FULL EFFECT (I caught this BITCH connecting ITSELF to my linkedin profile to which I promptly BLOCKED AS I DO WITH ANYBODY-THING ASSOCIATED WITH THAT INdustry). I believe this mk ultra young lady – Thalia Buitron – is the one putting all my shit OUT to these people

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