The Illuminati DOES NOT Worship Lucifer Satan They Worship Moloch

The Illuminati DOES NOT Worship Lucifer Satan They Worship Moloch

I need you IDIOTS who buy into that shit to look here at some of the wikileaks emails associated with some of your big POLITRICKIANS involved in the child sacrifice/ child rape “#pizzagate” ATROCITY: HERE IS ONE MENTION OF SACRIFICING A CHILD TO MOLOCH (“chicken” as used here is euphemism for CHILD as is used amongst pedophiles which you can read HERE: Here is one by John Podesta in which he discusses “demolishing” his grandchildren upon returning from a trip, which the illuminati uses to basically destroy the will of their kin through Monarch mind control torture: so they

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God Is Satan: The Demiurge

God Is Satan: The Demiurge

You wanna know WHY you can never get anywhere in life… You do all the right things you’re supposed to: you are nice (practically a doormat), good hearted and kind. You go outta your way to help those in need but yet YOU are the one who lives in a bed full of pins and needles while scum sucking son of a bitches who rape and molest kids as revealed thru #pizzagate like John Podesta and The Rockefellers run this world… Here is why… I originally grafted this article from another article which I made which you can read here:

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Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Over the weekend, I heard a change in music on the Alien Federation’s “Ascended Masters” video which you can hear down below: That said, the music I heard before was of chiming bells and a very sweet, melodic sound to it. It didn’t sound like that at all. The comments are still the same. The date it was uploaded is still the same so it can’t be a new upload or a sleight of hand by Google by reuploading an older version of the video on the sneak… So I am left to wonder has anyone else had this experience?

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