Men Are Innate Predators

Men Are Innate Predators

This no sleep reddit article perfectly explains it…. I screenshot in case they remove it the entire article cause it is important to read: That said, men are innate predators. It is in their very nature:     Like with wetbacks, there is no arguing about it. It’s facts. As I broke down here….. Missy Misdemeanor Ellitot No Man GLOW Proves Men Are NATURAL Energy Vampires And esp. here….. The REAL Reason Why This World Hates Women Crazy thing is, right after I wrote this article mentioning I got rid of a “soul piece” archon that created sexual desire

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Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Michael Hardman of Burbank Who Works At The Asylum Studios That Made Sharknado Is A Possible Pedophile

Look at the dude who he is posing with here who looks like a fucking child with a shit eating grin, grinning from ear to ear…. That said, he came to my attention after he wrote this very vicious and libelous review defaming my name, claiming I let the fucking air out of his friend’s tire simply because of his friends’ sexual orientation: Now, I have never met tho mofo a DAY I MY FUCKING LIFE! I probably saw him in passing but for him to attack me when I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HIM OR HIS FUCKING FRIENDS

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Could Convicted Murderer and Rapist Adrian Waite aka 423chattanooga10worldwide of Chattanooga Be The Next Grim Sleeper

Could Convicted Murderer and Rapist Adrian Waite aka 423chattanooga10worldwide of Chattanooga Be The Next Grim Sleeper

This is Adrian Waite aka “423chattanooga10worldwide”: Here is his instagram, which is chock full of prostitutes, things about sex:                                                       And…even underage – potential underage – prostitutes as can be seen here:                                     That said, this mofo is a convicted MURDERER and rapist as the court documents show in which in 1993 he was CONVICTED FOR

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Speaking Out Against Childhood Sexual Abuse In My Family

I FORGIVE HIM! I did a video a while back on this which was hard to do but due to some memories resurfacing independent of any “outside” manipulation, I felt the need to do the video you see down below: That was a very hard thing to do, to put “family” if I could call those people that, out on front street. See, I believe in airing “personal business” as a therapeutic measure cause some people need to be put out there on front street. For instance… This is my oldest HALF “brother”, Kerry! He is a sexual predator who

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Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

This guy is a sick fuck:   Last night he called me and it reminded me of the message which he sent me HERE which you can see down below which he got vanished strangely and mysteriously from my youtube channel when I posted it which is UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT HE IS A SICK ASS, MAKING FUN OF RAPE AND MOLESTATION VICTIMS!           He called me with a very sickening and shocking request which I thus so outright REFUSED cause I was so DISGUSTED WITH WHAT HE SAID – but as you can see above the

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