I got attacked BAD by the illuminati (use 1248 hz to defeat em, 694 hz, 695 hz to see where

Owner of West Hills Towing Thinks White Supremacy Is Okay
– He also when I looked up his comment thread saw a comment he made that Youtube wouldn’t approve, saying that “Even if what I said was true….” insinuating he knows this dude a fucking racist. Here is the comment whole thread….. Sick motherfucker even joke about beating kids on his profile….. – Who the fuck does that….. Here is his channel….. https://youtube.com/channel/UCAesXNOe3Kn3L7LFDZr24Rg Here one of his videos…. He also got a Twitch account which you can see here: https://m.twitch.tv/idiefirst_tv Also a Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/id1efirst Here is why he posted his comment: White Supremacist Racist Employee Named Billy Who Works For
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