Astralworld 14: War In The Astral Plane

Astralworld 14: War In The Astral Plane

There was a time when I idolozed Baron Samedi, thought the world of him: I worshipped him at one time. I have always been drawn to dark Gods and I loved his debaucherous nature, “I don’t care give the middle finger to society” attitude and his love for drinking, like me: That said, I had an altar to him and everything. I used to have dreams that I would be his wife (turns out it was a future event that I will avert). That said, it killed me what happened next. I was shaking hands with Pallet Numbre, Barbara, Gooru

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Do NOT Make Deals With These Entities

Do NOT Make Deals With These Entities

I find that magnesium tablets set the stage for running these things off….. They come from the “Roach Realm”: The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia These things are trying to keep me from getting back into the timeline they stole and gave to this person named Rosie here: Not her but how she looks…. Who jumped in my body on August 21, 2022 as part of an agreement between her, David Reina aka Gooru and Barbara Reina to steal my timelines and my life….. The entities I showed you are entities that live in

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Should I Get Rid of My Consciousness?

Should I Get Rid of My Consciousness?

The other night I found out that quite possibly a deal – a Soul contract – was struck between me and David Reina aka Gooru between my Higher Self (whom they long destroyed and got rid of) and David Reina in exchange for my getting my consciousness back, which I long coveted, but unwittingly as I thought I was making a deal with Satan and not this fool: Thinking back this fucker was fucking with me – my money mainly – before this…. That said, should I give up my consciousness to that fool as he is asking? I found

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I Now Realize That I Am Under Heavy Demonic Oppression And My Life Is In Danger

I Now Realize That I Am Under Heavy Demonic Oppression And My Life Is In Danger

The evidence in the face of how this demonic oppression is literally killing me. This is how I looked a year ago: Vs now: I didn’t realize how dire my situation was was till tonight: A very nice person sent their Higher Selves to defend me and protect me and my timelines as mentioned here: My Timeline Got Stolen On August 21 2022 That said the astral parasites you see here, Barbara the Roach Queen, Gooru 5 and Rosie the Roach Queen (Barbara The Roach Queen and Rosie the Roach Queen can alternate, looking like the second picture): Along with

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My Timeline Got Stolen On August 21 2022

My Timeline Got Stolen On August 21 2022

The lady to the right is whom that timeline – and my body – was given to. She looks more like this lady here: My Soul got taken out my body on August 21, 2022: I was taken out of my body by David Reina aka Gooru here: That said ever since I have been stuck with etheric, astral parasites in my mind designed to monitor me and make sure that I don’t get back as well as block my success in other timelines. That said, pray for me and my family πŸ™πŸ»

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They Are Threatening To Send Me To A Hell Region Unless I Sign A Soul Contract

They Are Threatening To Send Me To A Hell Region Unless I Sign A Soul Contract

I figured out one way: They have been tormenting me and my family, even kicking me out of a timeline going back to August 21, 2022 (a roommate and even two psychics confirmed this) unless I sign a Soul contract and the situation – for me, my family AND ancestors has been getting worse…..

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Warning of An EVIL Entity Parading Itself As “Archangel Michael” In The Astral Plane

Warning of An EVIL Entity Parading Itself As “Archangel Michael” In The Astral Plane

There is an evil ass entity going around the astral plane, parading itself as “Archangel Michael” with a nasty, annoying voice (IT is always talking about “pussy” and saying perverted things…), that is highly dangerous (it has come close to possessing me, stealing my spirit, fucking up my consciousness and has physically attacked me) and has attacked me and my family – in my father’s case stealing his memories, acting as “Pallet Numbre” whom you can see here…… Here is it’s real form….. It’s that insectoid you see. Here is a depiction of how it looks as “Archangel Michael”: This

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The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia

The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia

This shit pissed me off more than anything. For my family to get fucked with over a fucking Soul contract really pisses me off to no end. To kill them off so you can get my life and my Soul pisses me off. Welcome to The Roach Realm: The second depiction is how humans stuck in the roach realms as sacrifices for a long period, that and #1 in the first drawing. It is also how folks with a large number of entity attachments look in the astral. Here are human parasites that I have seen: There is a demonic

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