Visit From Archangel Chamuel

Visit From Archangel Chamuel

I got a visit from Archangel Chamuel after praying to him… After a while the two pink dots on the side of the card door (first there was one then two then if I can recall two again) DISAPPEARED: “Something” told me to lookup Angel Numbers “937”: It is not the first time I have seen orbs. Take a look at the bright yellow one here that I spotted recently in Malibu: Usually they signify angel helpers who are coming on their way to help, something I need very much! I SWEAR I felt an overwhelming sense of oeace and

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Is This Weird Star A UFO

Is This Weird Star A UFO

I noticed this weird, unusually bright “star” high up in the sky one early Friday night/ Saturday morning. What do you think it could be? Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29379″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Usually I see these things when drastic changes in my personal life are headed my way. What do you think it is? I personally think it’s ufo related cause ain’t no way in HELL you gonna see a star that hella bright (the skies have been clear and even at MALIBU AT NIGHT I nary saw even a similar star to this) at this time of the

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Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Look at this shit I saw rigtht outside my window one night while sleeping in my car: Can you see it? Here, let me give ya a CLOSER LOOK… I AM NOT GONNA BOTHER HIGHLIGHTING IT as it is only for those with eyes to see and ears to hear… Anyways, here are more “anomalies” and like an “Eye Spy” book… Here are some more: Some more weird shyte and ad for that brown, “shimmering” (THERE AIN’T NOTHING SHINY BY THAT DOOR TO CAUSE THAT) thing by the door again AIN’T NOTHING IN OUR REALM CAUSED THAT… that’s some shit

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Stalked By A Silverback Ape Named Angeline Alexis

Stalked By A Silverback Ape Named Angeline Alexis

HERE IS ANGELINE ALEXIS OF CALIFORNIA TALKING SHIT ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE: HERE IS A VIDEO where by her micro facial expressions and her movement YOU CAN SEE THE BITCH IS MENTALLY UN-STABLE (SHE MOVES AROUND ALOT AND TWIRLS HER HAIR). I almost sense MPD (multiple personality disorder) or schizoid personality disorder (more likely) or borderline or some combo of the three: OOOO WEEEE THIS ONE UGLY BITCH!!! BITCH LOOK LIKE A MAN! I finally found her pic… Here is how SHE looks: UPDATE – SEPTEMBER 4, 2017 – THIS GIRL IS SICK!! THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE LIKE

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Look at this shit right here: AND HERE: I WISH THIS MAN GOD SPEED AND GOOD LUCK!! Here is the video I did stating my opinions on this: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29371″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I predicted EVERYTHING HERE: THESE BASTARDS are already citing the 25th amendment to “impeach Trump” which would require: “The 25th amendment details the procedure for replacing the president in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation…” They’re gonna kill this man…

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The Illuminati Are Pushing Anti-Semitism to Bring About The Apocalypse

The Illuminati Are Pushing Anti-Semitism to Bring About The Apocalypse

Okay, I’M NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT but… Everytime I go on youtube esp. on the “conspiracy sites” that contain alot of deep knowledge esp. on the occult I find this: Here: Look at this fucking channel here, lol: …lol, these motherfuckerz are silly… Anyways, I am saying this to say that anyone who gives into the ANTI-JEW – NOT ANTI-ZIONIST – agenda are pushing for Armageddon to happen. I’ll explain why: Okay, back when I was in catholic school I was taught that one of the signs that would herald “The End of Days” was MAJOR PERSECUTION AND ELIMINATION OF THE

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The Fifth Element Film Reveals Christ The Redeemer Will Be A Black Woman

The Fifth Element Film Reveals Christ The Redeemer Will Be A Black Woman

Decoding the occultic meaning behind “The Fifth Element”… Where do I begin… Anyways, now that I am older and much more knowledgeable in the occult, let me go ahead and explore the MOST OBVIOUS SYMBOLISMS: Her body was enwrapped in a tomb – much like in ancient Egypt – which was guarded by a bronze sarcophagus who are known as guardians and protectors in ancient Egypt: And, the most notable… THE “FIFTH ELEMENT” BEING WOMBAN = PENTAGRAM: I have always said that the pentagram represents the Womb-an, the Fifth Element and the allusion to this female – funny they get

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Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Exposing The Reptilian Gangstalking and Hivemind of Hellyweird

Look at this ugly black BITCH: IT’S name is Maya Roseman (Obviously she married to a KHAZARIAN KIKKKE JEW – one of those natural hair obsessed SELF HATERS) who works at – among all others – Sony Pictures! Anyways I’m outing this BITCH cause the HELL-LIE-weird gangstalking is REAL AND IS IN FULL EFFECT (I caught this BITCH connecting ITSELF to my linkedin profile to which I promptly BLOCKED AS I DO WITH ANYBODY-THING ASSOCIATED WITH THAT INdustry). I believe this mk ultra young lady – Thalia Buitron – is the one putting all my shit OUT to these people

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Before Pizzagate: The Coverup of The Report From Iron Mountain

Before Pizzagate: The Coverup of The Report From Iron Mountain

Before pizzagate, there was “The Report from Iron Mountain”, which you can read about HERE: In which was reported to be a “satirical” look at what the governments should do in case “world peace breaks out” and it spoke of “blood price” aka BLOOD SACRIFICE and subtle slavery via “mass technology” which we are seeing now with the lamestream media in an attempt to subdue the masses on a last noticeable scale. Note this excerpt: Also, TO FURTHER SHOW IT IS REAL the guy who claimed he wrote it, Leonard Lewin, claimed he did it in 1972 YET DIAL

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