Lady Straddles Guy With Breasts AFTER HE SEXUALLY HARASSES HER

Lady Straddles Guy With Breasts AFTER HE SEXUALLY HARASSES HER

I APPROVE!! GOOD (I WOULDA MADE HIM LICK MY PUSSY, J/K, LOL!)!!!! Here the full article: That said, there’s ALWAYS gotta be a “pick me” bitch in there, somewhere, just as talked about here: Somebody shoulda slapped that ole bitch with a dick (Bet she was an UGLY BITCH with a cave for a pussy who ain’t seen a dick in MILLENIA – cause her husband don’t want her crone dried up ass)!!! This is what a “pick me bitch” is – read the thread: That said, reminds me of what I DID RIGHT HERE: We are

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Visit To CHP Office To File Complaint Against Officer Tang

Visit To CHP Office To File Complaint Against Officer Tang

Here is why I wanted to file a complaint against him: – Filing a complaint with the sheriff’s (I ain’t never heard of such shit with one law enforcement agency filing a complaint with another though they both got arresting powers) against me – ILLEGALLY – for being topless in public, which is not a crime! Anyways, I went down to the CHP West Valley office division of CHP to complain and here’s what happened: Afterwards, here’s what took place when I came across an officer who was cool with my being topless: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29759″ text=”Purchase” style=”button”

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Why The Elite Is Dropping Harvey Weinstein and Others

Why The Elite Is Dropping Harvey Weinstein and Others

This shit been going on for eons as I note here: So ask yourself this question…why the hoopla now? Cause shit about to hit the fan and they know it! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29755″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, they ain’t dropping these suckers for naught… With movies like this: And folks like Jonathan Kleck revealing their bs, such as their planned disasters to destroy the East Coast… (Notice they use so called MK Ultra “stars” to convey what’s coming…) Or as I have seen, the West Coast (I for a while kept having nightmares of a huge

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How To Use Your Energy To Control People’s Behaviors

How To Use Your Energy To Control People’s Behaviors

I talk about it here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29751″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, while “working” under various deities like “Lord Satan”, “Oshun”, “Baron Samedi”, you INHERIT THEIR “AURA”, and “they” become “absorbed into you” and so thus become A-PART OF YOU!!! It’s alot like Mega Man in which you gain the powers of a “Robot Master” once you defeat them (except in the case of deities you worship them): I picked “Snake Man” – a character off there – since the snake has been widely used throughout history to symbolize “forbidden knowledge” which can be represented in the death

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LAPD Messing With My Phone

LAPD Messing With My Phone

Here’s how it works: Coincidentally, this was right after I came out of meditating (As a joke, I kinda thought my psi powers cause…nah, it occurred AFTER and NOT WHILE meditating)… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29747″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, you can read about my ongoing chronicles battling the LAPD and the criminal INjustice system here: Here is how they do it, via a device called “stingray” which you can read about here:

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Why Wendy Williams REALLY Fainted

Why Wendy Williams REALLY Fainted

She saw some scary shit; HERE IT IS: THAT’S P.J., the lil ugly roach looking creature you can see on the Bohemian Grove pamphlet here: …who SWEEPS UP THE ASHES OF SACRIFICIAL VICTIMS. She saw DROVES OF EM… I talk about it more here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29739″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THAT SAID, I know what she saw cause I have seen em… they are ugly lil roach astral entities (on the lower rungs of the 4th dimension – astral plane, the Earthbound realm which is closest to the Earth) that have black and brown “roach” bodies –

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Why Are Blacks Against Abortion When Child Sacrifice IS A Part of Our Ancient Afrikan Spiritual Systems

Why Are Blacks Against Abortion When Child Sacrifice IS A Part of Our Ancient Afrikan Spiritual Systems

That’s why I kinda brought up the generational curses thing (all due to a family wanting to get back at a mofo for it, here): – My thoughts: the body is a physical container for your soul, NOT your real self, So… I’ll just let you watch this… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29735″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] BUT here’s a few talking points… I did the vid as a response to government agent/shill Taurean Reign pushing the whole “Margaret Meade is evil” diversionary illuminati tactic “blacks are dying everywhere” FEAR BASED MONGERING HERE: Black people through our indigenous spiritual

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Nigga Sexually Harasses Me I Take Off My Top He Gets Offended

Nigga Sexually Harasses Me I Take Off My Top He Gets Offended

Now…is it such a big fucking deal? I SAID FOR THE LONGEST: STREET HARASSMENT AIN’T ABOUT SEX BUT POWER… That said – as I noted with spick and span cholos (many of whom have been in prison for REAL crimes that REALLY hurt people) many are offended by my being topless BECAUSE IT IS A SHOW OF POWER, LETTING THESE BOYS (NOT MEN) KNOW THAT I WILL SHOW MY BODY ON MY TERMS AND NOT LET YOU DEFINE THE TIME AND PLACE WHEN I SHOW IT: IT WILL BE ON MY OWN TERMS and as veritas entrepreneur says SOOO MANY

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