Part 1 Part 2 I just got word that Alex Nacimento, the evil sadistic Puerto Rican entity that Baron Samedi
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Read moreFrom what I know the only truth to reality is frequency and vibration.
Read moreStill selling myself. Doing escorting, massages, car dating: I also do videos and photos. That said if interested please contact me at 310-359-5199 or at [email protected]
Read moreThat is what I see out the corner of my eye before I go to sleep. I figured it out. See, I like to have outer body experiences. What you see through your third eye I believe are what you will see when you die (hence why some folks see a dark tunnel or tunnel of light when they die because when they close their physical eyes that is what they see through their third eye) because I theorize that your third eye are your physical eyes for your Soul/spirit body. The third eye harbors your consciousness since it is
Read moreLucifer was actually a bishop in Italy who was opposed to Arianism, which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus was the son of god, which came from an Egyptian christian presbyter named Arius, who actually based it on Amun Ra, a horned god who was the first Egyptian god to be monotheistically war-shipped who was then merged with the Egyptian Sun God Ra to form Amun Ra (it was originally Amun by itself):,Egyptians%20had%20a%20monotheistic%20belief. Remember the story of Faust: ….A German doctor who sold his Soul to the “devil”? That said that name came from a
Read moreHappy I only got this version cause the elongated one is too painful – and evil – to watch: That said aside from myself – I have NEVER seen a person who got such unwarranted hate such as what 69 Tekashi has been getting PELTED with like a torrential rainfall. He don’t deserve it. I will tell you why…… It’s because of god. I swear if he were like me, very spiritual, the money he has would dry up in a NYC sec. See, god the demiurge feeds on those with Souls. The more misery he causes us, the more
Read more….And alter the narrative by making blacks out to be colonialist, using the ignorant (because we all know how Afrikans and other non American Blacks are quick to deny their blackness) Afrikan (Alkebulanian) actors to carry this narrative out in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: That being said, here is your colonizer right here ππ»β¬ That was actually taken from a WWE skit from back in the day but look at how bold the racism – and venemous hatred – was. That said, see, crakkkas are and rightfully so dying out. That said, crakkkas have been desperately grasping at straws in
Read moreI am completely desperate! Every business I try to create goes nowhere so I am desperate. That said, you have seen my body….. I Walked Shirtless On Skid Row And Not Once Was I Sexually Assaulted Backpage no longer exists. Craigslist is a bust so I am coming on my own site with an offer for all of you: I am selling my ass! It is practically legal in LA so I’m just gonna come out and say it: I am selling my ass! I am doing sensual massage aka bodyrubs, thai massage, escorting and even car dates ($20 for
Read moreI remember the other night when I took a piss near a parking lot (I had to let it go)….. a guy, a brother, a real black man (unlike the fake ones of Malibu aka Mali-heaux) offered me baby wipes instead of a finger up my vagina as the neandeRAPES of Malibu felt so inclined to do….. People talk shid about Skid Row but since I been here the men are GENTLEMEN! I think it is because they are black with a real black consciousness. Thet are not like the rapist crakkkas of Malibu who felt inclined to fuck
Read moreIn all of us resides the Soul pieces of our ancestors and the spirit pieces of God, Yaldabaoth, and “Satan” – get rid of them (not your ancestors). I got rid of the god one and my luck came right back. I also notice that this asshole attacks at the crown chakra. When I got rid of em my crown chakra closed and I felt my old Self again so apparently these entities were entering in via the crown chakra to attack and suppress my spiritual advancement through a mild form of possession where these things attach to the crown
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