This is the portal where I drop know-ledge on the inhuman scourage to the planet known as white people. White people are some evil, tricky, culture vulturing mofos and this portal was established to document the jedi mind tricks, the schadenfraude they do to get close to us so they can bamboozle you on so many levels. I teach how to recognize their bullshit and how to fight back ??
Got a few rocks in tho lol…… I didn’t get IT’S license plate but here is IT’S car…… Bitch looking like a meth’ed out slenderman from Creepypasta….. That said like a typical crakkka after fucking with me – she was saying go back to Africa cause I am black and shirtless – she waited till I was far to call the cops. This is why I can’t stand white people’s asses and could never be with one. Like this perv ass crakkka here they do wrong to ya then call the law….. Can’t stand peckerwoods! Hate em!
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This THE EPITOMIE of bedwenching here! Saved it in case Youtube deletes it. Exactly what I said these bedwenches and crakkkas be thinking! – And naw bitch I do tarot cards and spiritual work (like how I ‘woke ya’ll) for a living so don’t come at me with that….. Note ole girl looking like a slave in the pic above. I notice they all be dressed like that to fulfill these crakkka’s slavemaster fantasies hence why we call em bedwenches…. This is a re-post from the previous post but all the shit couldn’t of been perfectly well written…… LOL @
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BIG POINT I wanna make before I go on….. Another thing I forgot to mention: NOTE they like women with no hips. That’s because they all are fucking pedophiles looking for children to dominate, hence why they desire women who look as such! LOL @ the lifeguard placing the no parking sign in the WHITE zone….. That was funny! This THE EPITOMIE of bedwenching here! Saved it in case Youtube deletes it. Exactly what I said these bedwenches and crakkkas be thinking! That said I knew EXACTLY wtf they were doing….. She even putting lotion on him like a fucking
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Imma put this fucking neandeRAPE FIRST! – peep the creature of the cave’s california license plate 5VWK845 In light of the Jenae Gagnier murder I think white people – and their white supremacist colonialist ways – are getting too comfortable with unveiling their ugly true colours around us due to the new age kneegrow believe that “we are all equal and all one.” No we ain’t bitch and this pale face demon about to find out. This is the second time this mofo has flagrantly and defiantly stalked me. 1st time was last weekend, a Friday to be precise and
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I WAS WONDERING WHY the same mofos who gave NO JAIL TIME to two crakkkas who were caught starving two Ghanian kids…… …..The same folks who let a white supremacist murder a small black baby get off with only 30 years…… Are pushing SO HARD for black people to produce unwanted black babies….. They want them to enact their racist slavemaster fantasies out on since kids – esp. black kids – can’t speak up or as in the case of some of those kids above won’t be believed…… Kids like the Hart kids who tried to warn authorities that his
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CRAZY, BECAUSE RIGHT BEFORE I STUMBLED ONTO THIS STORY I had a vivid vivid nightmare of an old white woman who deliberately adopted a young 13 year old black girl and her brothers so her white son can rape her and I saw the girl had a baby for him and he looked oddly similar to the dad in this case…… Fucked up hairline and all (but dude in my nightmare wore glasses) and it seemed they adopted the kids from America and brought them to Australia. The latina, Ms. Angelica Mendez, was right to call these white supremacist modern
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LOL! I think a saltine about to get ✊? ‘woked lol!
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The thing is – and this what kills me – and this is the second time, third time actually with black folks peridot ?? that this has happened – she turned on me after I tried to help her – offering her water – after her slavemaster/slavecatcher beau was about to abandon her like a runaway slave on the pch…… Here is their license plate number since they wanna attack me….. Looka how he put her out there on front street (and she still defends him as seen in the video)….. This really saddens me. I tried to help and
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I never could understand it…… Ya’ll read here….. ….Mofo was a serial killer….. I mean in the face of evidence like this….. And esp. this…… This really seals the deal….. Albert Pike: He was in fact the founding father of freemasonry in America. He set up the Georgia Guidestones which set the basis for ALL the shit we are facing today as per planned by the illuminati…. I always thought that patriots were some dumb, deliberately blind sided, cherry picking mofos cause how can you venerate colonising, thieving, white supremacist mofos who belonged to the very
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One thing I notice being a black shirtless rights activist is how the same crazy shit that whyte pee-pole do – my black ass gets judged as crazy, a crackhead – even by fellow niggers – and all sorts of racist ass contumlies cause I am black. I plan to open an OnlyFans in the future by the way to document all my crazy antics on the pch – for mo-nay ? But, when a white bitch do the same thing – she gets dismissed as just being crazy and having crazy white girl fun, even by niggers who will
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