Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

I ALWAYS Win The War AND The Beach Is Clean

I ALWAYS Win The War AND The Beach Is Clean

All these people wanted me out….. Spiritual Warfare Against Dog Killing Witchcraft Wetbacks In RV Number AB95165 Part Un Homeless Kneegrows And A Serial Rapist Who Don’t Like Me Decides To Stay Around Me But their druggie asses got ran the fuck out ?????? One even lost his mustang. My mother always said don’t do shit and watch your enemies fall. But I use ‘woke ✊? to make it happen. Just now they ticketed skantè magic school art short bus ?

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When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

How…. why….. why is it that a strong womban like myself attract these misogynistic, self loathing sociopaths who feel like they got the right to gas light me but I am not supposed to say shit to their overt – and I mean overt gaslighting….. I cut these mofo….. This is a faggot. You can’t tell me any differently. This mofo got gay tendencies, bitch tendencies to be more accurate (like most all latin males)….. mad effeminate but, I mean…. it’s like how do I attract this, like fucking how….. This is an insult to me. It ain’t cause the

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Now It Makes Sense……

Now It Makes Sense……

Holy shit that selenite wand is legit glowing….. The drinking urges, the subliminal feeling of a “need” to mingle with pee-pole…. It all makes sense. As I said here: This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody I’m different. Way different than most people. Even as a child subliminally I semsed that I was a Soul, not a spirit, having a human experience in which from time to time I would just like to indulge in the human experience and “relate” to most people in a way by allowing myself to descend to their

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Aunt Jemima Unclean Spirit Black Bitch Gets ‘Woked By The Ancestors ✊???

Aunt Jemima Unclean Spirit Black Bitch Gets ‘Woked By The Ancestors ✊???

That’s what you get for being a sellout, bitch, and now they done fucked up your vehicle and nan – of those wide and wed-bawks who asses you be kissing can help you: I mean looka this crazy looking ass bitch: You can see literally that she is po-ssessed by the spirit of Uncle Coon: That said I call this bitch a coon cause I cause this mangy demon kissing these wed-bawks, and caucks asses going “Thank you sir” all loud as if to act as a foil against me since I don’t act like that with them. I don’t

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Wayne Bush’s Interview With Near Death Experiencer Breaks Down The Demiurge And His Realm

Wayne Bush’s Interview With Near Death Experiencer Breaks Down The Demiurge And His Realm

This is some profound shit: http://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/nde-transcript.html#demiurge I saved some excerpts in case the site goes dark….. It basically breaks down how the demiurge fashioned our realm from darkness, he comes from a place of light. How the place where original Souls derive, The Source, is feminine aka the divine feminine and how very much analogous to the book Report From Iron Mountain the world is set to 2/3 light and dark with darkness being allowed to take over a lil more to allow the Demiurge’s game to continue. Oh yes, we are the fallen angels ???

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How The Reptilians Try To Pair You With Controlled People To Control You

How The Reptilians Try To Pair You With Controlled People To Control You

I cursed this mofo out….. I had to curse this fool out too! That said here is the reason why. For the first dude here: I had a dream awhile back in which I saw he lived in a huge mansion and was this goofy spirited guy who encouraged me to be me (like I fucking need anybody for that). I saw that he wanted to get married, have kids (entrapment) and I saw him encouraging me to go shirtless while talking with his friends when he noted I felt stifled. It seemed like he had picked me up from

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Elmera Bokor You Shoulda Never Moved To L.A.

Elmera Bokor You Shoulda Never Moved To L.A.

Trust me. Those reps ? are gonna eat your voodoo loas alive (since they created em)….. And he had crackhead dead spirits break into his home here….. I will post this here in case it gets taken down….. You shoulda never moved your ass out here. He had a beautiful home in Georgia but gave it up so he could flex and boast he lives in a whole apartment in Calabasas ??‍♀️ This is reptilian territory…… https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/citydig-the-underground-catacombs-of-las-lizard-people/ http://www.laalmanac.com/mysterious/my02.php https://documents.latimes.com/jan-29-1934-lizard-people/ This niqqa here a straight reptilian, talking about disproving a “theory” and he right there…… That said your voodoo loas are

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The Difficulties of Being An INFJ Personality In A Mental Health Facility

The Difficulties of Being An INFJ Personality In A Mental Health Facility

….or anywhere really! It is a repeated cycle that comes up constantly anytime I gotta be around other people. I severely rue dumb ass people who say in any shape or form or try to encourage me to be around other people. Imma own this: I am smarter than most people. I can’t be around these dumb fucks – people in general period – esp. not drunk – since I see past assholes’ bullshit and I call em out. Here is my story: Here are the assholes who put me on front street and got my shit fucked up: Spiritual

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