Niggers being niggers (or as the wetbacks would say, mayates being mayates) all presented here….
Remember this….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Welp….. LOL: Public works messy….. Can they do this tho. (this was later as I did my tarot reading)….. Funny, cause there was this burgundy reddish suv that kept parking – I’m guessing his gangstalker “manager” he gotta report to I sense – and they didn’t help him but they called this honkey….. Here is his license plate CA license plate number is 5XMZ959….. This wide boi 👉🏻⬜ KNEW to get THE. FUCK outta town when he saw me
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I think her name is Dawn or Tosha. She work at the Vons here: 17380 Sunset Blvd Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 You can contact corporate here: 1421 Manhattan Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 714-300-6000 – People gotta learn not to play with me. This what she complaining about: This how she look, wearing a fucking shower cap on her head looking like Aunt Jemima: – Ole slave looking bitch… No wonder. Shit was covered like a polar bear. I can see – though I don’t agree with it – if I were straight up fucking shirtless but I got a BIG
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By doing that you buck the heads of this crakkka or is a fake khazar jew….. – Who I woulda sent to the gas chamber in my past life, fucking oven magnet 🤚🏻 Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese I hate the bedwench mentality and the mentality that many black folks have where they think that if any other race – esp. white – is lusting (keyword: LUSTING, NOT WANTING TO MARRY YOU) after you LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT, WANTING TO TREAT YOU AS A JEZEBEL HYPERSEXUALIZED STEREOTYPE, that it
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Lookee what I found when I walked outside my door….. – Found this just now…. ….They had some crakkkas that wanted to take my pic and I said bitch you gotta pay me if you want me to pose….. trick…… Here the shortened version….. Nigger bitch called the cops on me cause I was walking around butt naked as usual….. I’m fine…. I also got a sexy ass shadow….. I got lit like a mofo. I made an alkie-hole run to Von’s….. I was chilling at a client’s house earlier…… Malibu beauty-full as a motherfucker I tell ya…… You know….
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I saw thru my third eye this motherfucker – who comes from a land where they practice female clitoral mutilation (cause males don’t want womben enjoying sex as they did and still do by calling womben and grrls sluts for enjoying sex – yet they want you – note the warped mindset of males in that)…. had DELUSIONS of making me his wife and having me carry his bastard legacy – using me as a broadmare and WE ALL KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT! – And ALLLL – JUST NOW I thought this was him coming back around…… He
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NOTE: I LOVE ❤ JEWISH PEOPLE! MY GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHER WAS A GERMAN JEW! I TALK SHIT (TRUTH) ABOUT EVERYONE SO PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONAL HURR!!!!! A Jewish womban designed this 💪🏻✡ That said, this mofo, who has stalked me before (gotta find the article I did on him awhile back)….. ….These were taken 2 YEARS AGO….. ….is b(l)ack at it again…… Had to go Hitler on a Hymie 🤚🏻
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LOL! ….Man was I ever LIT ?? There my Kill Bill outfit……. I got so LIT ?? law enforcement showed up 3 times on my ass…… Here are some pics from that day….. …..I had to take Plan B because a wetbuck came inside of me yesterday……. ….Why them mofos obsessed with getting mofos pregnant…… I got a nice ass body…… Oh yeah, I had to tell ole boy to get the fuck up the skreet cause show’s over……
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LOOK! DON’T YOU STUPID ASS CRAKKKAS AND WETBACKS (WHO CAN’T READ NUANCES) LET THIS ARTICLE IN WHICH I TALK DOWN ON A BLACK MAN THINK YOU CAN GET OFF KILTER WITH ME! I went after the brother here only cause I felt an uncle tom (I feel like he works with some of these homeless crakkkas as I saw in another encounter with him) misogynistic, violent “I wanna be accepted by whytee peepole vibe” which is the only reason why I went after him….. I don’t mind my people perving….. Also, I let this brother chill….. I Always Help My
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Google IMMEDIATELY age restricted this video that I am about to show you cause it is telling truths….. I Am Satan: – NOTE how white people have portrayed “Satan” as having black people’s features for eons…… It is because we ARE Satan. Let me explain…… See, as explained…. blacks hold the key to chaos magick. Now, in many afrocentric groups as can be seen in the diaphram above melanin breaks down to = 666….. – This ?? is a GREAT blog that breaks it down….. Baba Bobby Hemmitt further broke down the etymology of the word, saying that
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The thing is – and this what kills me – and this is the second time, third time actually with black folks peridot ?? that this has happened – she turned on me after I tried to help her – offering her water – after her slavemaster/slavecatcher beau was about to abandon her like a runaway slave on the pch…… Here is their license plate number since they wanna attack me….. Looka how he put her out there on front street (and she still defends him as seen in the video)….. This really saddens me. I tried to help and
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