My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️
I noticed that when they came last night – I saw shadows outside where no one was – my light started flickering on and off repeatedly…… I saw at least with one homeless – a male heroin addict – that he was Soul scalped aka had his Soul replaced with that of a powerful un-Earthly witch (I sensed she had red hair) perhaps to help him overcome his addiction and self destructive ways. In my case one of those “sacrificing giant heads” was removed that was causing me alot of great harm and was keeping me stuck…… I’ve talked about
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One was a wetback the other a crakkka. It was over some stolen weed lol.
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Alll because I wouldn’t put up with IT’S sexual harassment – fucking wetback: Here the company info….. Indiana license plate # 2733576 Their number is 317-791-1574 And yassss bitch you can NOT speak to me cause I am A God: I am THE Star ⭐
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**** Truth be told, having talked to latin and black men, WHITE BITCHES are the real nasty fucking freaks and sexual deviants who do ANY-THING hence why they are in part popular in sex work. It’s black and latina womben who are chaste. Just like their nasty ass chomo perverted sexually predatory ass “men” who like womben with no hips = lil girls. They THE nastiest son of a bitches on this planet (I’m telling truth as a former sex worker) who’ll get into anything be it animals, dogs, cats, children. White people are fucking perverts. Folks of colour, esp.
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Had to leave for a lil bit cause it gets tiring staying in 1 spot allll the time…..
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You gotta know yourself to pull that off, buddy! I explain ever so eloquently here ??
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13 Blighted Lords…. sound like a fucking name only a Dungeons and Dragons nerd would come up with…… You can see this crackhead ass nigger is under the influence and is possessed by something here, ole weirdo mofo…… – Weirdo took IT’S videos down, wisely but here IT’S channel if the jiggaboo starts up again…… Here one fucking nerd from the past who I crushed named Vule who had been fervently attacking me….. This a crackfiend who was a part of it…. That said, look mofo you ain’t getting my energy…… Look you magickally inept incompetent motherfucker that is
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The jealousy from this one is off the charts…… This black nigger bitch is officially a spiritual agent sent to sabotage me….. peep IT’S recent words….. Nigger you ain’t on my level cause you don’t even have a Soul! That is all I felt when I saw this was jealousy and….. possession – And, note, the only person to encourage me was a white womban! It is because my Soul is white: This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody Coming Out As Transracial aka Trans White Black Woman’s Past Life As A Rich
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IF YOU SEE THESE FOOS’ (they drive ca license plate number 6DRT586), CALL ICE AT 1-866-347-2423 CAUSE THEY ARE – AS I WILL EXPLAIN – INVOLVED IN SOME NEFARIOUS ILLEGAL SHIT!!!! BASED ON MY THIRD EYE – FUCK A TAROT CARD – THESE WETBACKS WERE GONNA PUSH ME INTO THEIR MINIVAN, TAKE ME TO A BIGGER RV OR THIS BLACK/DARK STRUCTURE IN THE WOODS and I saw them killing me and other people ….. White Man Tells Me About Wetbacks Kidnapping White Girls On The PCH For Sex Slavery And Running American Homeless Off Based on my third eye I
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I throw that word around but this mofo is sincerely it….. Once when something was “out of place” near my pantyline, he kept pushing it back and I told him don’t touch me there and he did it again with an indignant attitude like “How dare I tell him that.” Another time, he had bit at my nipple. When I confronted him about that shit – I was drunk that night when he did and assholes ALWAYS attack me when I am in that state – I slap but he gets pissed for my touching him! That is a sexual
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