The portal where I talk about crakkkas and anything crakkka related…..
Here is ALL the proof you will EVER, EVER NEED! NOW, in contrast – look at the FLUFF ASS SITE – this “Joey Graceffa” mofo – where you ain’t gotta “click the bell to get notifications”: THAT right there tells you the DUMB SHIT (to dumb you down) that Youtube wants to veer their audience towards – DUMB SHIT to keep you stupified, zombified, and blue pilled! Many truther channels on Youtube been complaining about this FOR YEARS! Now, I’m exposing it! Note the # 33 in word count btw: A very significant number in numerology!
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I was about to lay this nigga out: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29810″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – Considering the mood I’m in! I don’t have time for the bullshit! The demon (or shall I say, reptilian) was about to bounce out! I did an article on this fool a while back: Homeless Crakkkaroach Tells Me He Own Public Property No Trespassing This old homeless CRAKKKA ASS CRAKKKAROACH BUM had the nerve to tell me to exit property WHICH HE DON’T OWN like he some “proper” CRAKKKABUM! Then, today, I catch him walking up the walkway of SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY like
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This shit tripped me out; made my day… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29806″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Earlier them mofos were RIGHT ON THE ROAD like they cars like they READY TO GET HIT… Must have a death wish!!! Anyways, there was a lil pedestrian lane they coulda rode through but I guess those niggaz were like, “Fuck it! Let me hog the road!” Lol! They readyz ta DIE!!! LMBAO!!!
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LOOK AT HOW THAT CRAKKKAROACH KKKOP IS LOOKING AT THAT GIRL: That’s what I’m talking about! This is a 2 part series (DAMN! Considering how long I talk, I could do a full blown doc.): Part 1: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29802″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Part 2: Enjoy your day!
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That’s why I kinda brought up the generational curses thing (all due to a family wanting to get back at a mofo for it, here): – My thoughts: the body is a physical container for your soul, NOT your real self, So… I’ll just let you watch this… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29735″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] BUT here’s a few talking points… I did the vid as a response to government agent/shill Taurean Reign pushing the whole “Margaret Meade is evil” diversionary illuminati tactic “blacks are dying everywhere” FEAR BASED MONGERING HERE: Black people through our indigenous spiritual
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That screenshot is hi-larious! CRAKKKAROACH at it again… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29731″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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Earth’s original people… Watch here! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29727″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I won’t give away TOO much but I will say this (here are some talking points FOR YOU to digest): That is why they stay “on code” – they have a hivemind – JUST LIKE REPTILIANS ARE SAID TO HAVE! THINK ABOUT IT! They are ALWAYS in our convos, personal spaces, INSISTING THEY BE THERE like satellites who are monitoring us for “something” which I believe are – reptilians! Note, too, that they do NOT and CAN NOT stand in the sunlight and naturally – even
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Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29719″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] ….Like we need to know THEIR language to prove ourselves “intelligent” to these CRAKKKAROACH CAVEAPES!!!
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Here the video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29699″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] After doing this article here: I notice caucazoid KRAKKKA KKKOP MALES stopping, driving reeeeal slooowwww, saying BONK ASS SHIT (in that video, they said, “Hey, crazy!”) all because I said I don’t want their white asses and that white men make Great Tricks (T-shirt coming soon…)!
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This some straight BS right here – I am at a LOSS for words… Basically, as you can hear in the tapes, these bastards FOLLOWED ME AROUND the courthouse ALLL yesterday after I left to get a hotdog (I realized I didn’t have enough money so I went back in to use the ATM) after waiting for about an hour I recall to acquire some documents from the City Attorney’s office on the 10th fl at the Van Nuys courthouse… Note here, my Ankh was standing up, letting me know the ancestors (Ra) was around… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29691″
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