dropping the latest info on ufos and shit….
Here the green light I’m talking about: BTW, last night the sheriffs’ helicopters were flying overhead near that Ocean’s restaurant in Malibu and the SOB was flying MAD LOW! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also heard a weird pulsating “boop” sound much like whales are said to emit which sounds much like the Taos Hum: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is strange but I’ve been seeing this light go off and on for awhile now… Saw it last night: Couple of nights before, too: I’ve been seeing this phenomenon for quite
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As I explained here with Bilijana Djurdjevic and pizzagate and how the paintings there are actual scenes of actual tortures that took place in torture rooms as Tony Podesta hinted which you can read AND see pics of here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/24/pizzagate-part-1-proof-in-the-pictures/ I SINCERELY FUCKING BELIEVE that Piccinini’s sculptures ARE LEGIT depictions of what goes down at Nightmare Hall at Dulce Deep Underground Military Base (that shit is horrible) and other alien joint human DUMBS (Deep underground military bases) where experiments were conducted on humans). This was a human changed after genetic experiments done at an alien military joint deep underground military
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According to Google, yes: Many youtubers suspected that this artifical “solar eclipse” WAS CAUSED BY ALIENS AS THIS VIDEO HERE TALKS ABOUT: And as this videos SHOW HERE: 6 months ago, back in Feb. 2017 – interestingly – a MOTHERSHIP ufo attempted to beam light into the sun’s corona to do God knows what: Here are vids talking about how UFO’s appeared around the time of the Solar Eclipse (watch the other videos following this that speak of alien attacks to get a gravity of the situation): This video here directly states THEY CAUSE EM: This one exposes (via way
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…Paying me a “visit” cause I said something “out of turn.” Look at these photos and tell ME that something weird AIN’T going on… THIS IS WHAT I SAW Here are some pictures to confirm it: Here are more: And this below is a fucking sigil that appeared the morning after this “experience” (possible abduction): THAT looks EXACTLY like a crop circle, which you can see an example of below: And THIS IS A SIGIL: These aliens were trying to give me a sign! You can’t tell me
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I want you to look at my eyes: That is not normal. Notice they look alot like that panther’s eyes on the right side. They form a diamond like shape as if shapeshifting like the panther’s to the right. Here are some more. Note the strangeness of the shape of the pupils and the sheen and that even in very little light they form pinpoints… My ear are even pointy as you can see below: Let me tell you some very weird things about my childhood before I start talking about the correlation between me vis a vis ufo’s/ aliens.
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