Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
I feel playing with one of the most auspicious songs I grew up with hearing…. This was from the film, “Gattaca”, with Ethan Hawke. In it, he was an aspiring “invalid” who due to his being naturally born sans of any genetic manipulation (as genetic manipulation before birth was the norm of his tim, could not ride on this spaceship called “Gattaca.” That said, via perserverance, hardwork, deception and supporters, he was able to get on that ride! That being said, I’ll never forget the line he mentioned at the end when he finally made it, which was: “For someone
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….And an imprint of my Soul appeared right on the landside of the pch where I park #energeticimprint #soulimprint
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That shit was as real as me writing on this blog…. I later on astral projected via my third eye thru breathing techniques and visualization in an attempt to retrieve my brother from hell (they are holding him there to fuck with me but I always go in to get him out thru my third eye)! It hurts me to be getting fucked with by thus shit! I just don’t understand…..
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Now, the other day, while talking with a nice man he mentioned that I exuded a strong masculine energy. I looked up masculine energy in women (cause I found the thought so intriguing) and, an excerpt I saw described me to a T! https://wheelofwellbeing.com/the-power-of-energies/ Now I didn’t like this douchebag article that, tho they were right about saying that the feminine helps with healing – to totally feel that women should be yield to and be subordinate to the male ego – that’s fucked up! http://www.chicagonow.com/six-brown-chicks-media/2015/10/attraction-10-signs-that-you-are-too-masculine/ I break down how I work with both the masculine and feminine energies in
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I’m sick of this shit! You can hear them in the video, one of the female employees, called me a nigger and one of their low vibratory “clientele” say some shit as I pass by, minding my own business. I’m sick of this shit. Every morning I wake up and I hear these fucking illegals say to me, an American, to “Leave”, “Go”, “Get out of here” (all while I’m in my car), calling me a “crackhead” cause I am black and homeless – it’s that dehumanization that gets to me and can open up more avenues of diserespect if
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Man…. I had to dust out da ‘Wokemaster fo’ this….. Some folks are gonna end up being a part of my Hall of ‘Woke fame! The Museum of Da ‘Woke This was my favourite ‘woke to date, my best known ‘woke…… TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump Along with this one where a man told me that I put a guy in a mental home using black magick….. Just as was done to Christopher Case, seeing shit just like that guy I put in the mental home right
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While filming a video the reptilian eyes appeared again….. Another thing….. While taking this video a hand, something weird appears under my chin by my neck….. …..And while I was filming I heard a demonic voice to my right side….. YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I don’t like that shit….. Weak Willed Beta Males Come To Tear Me Down And this fucking fool just sent shit…. These dumb mofos see me as a “challenge”. That Thomas Murphy mofo is the sick misogynist woman hating mofo who tried to run over me the other night as I had seen thru my
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I look like I’m strategizing on how to kill someone here lol…. I’m so sick of this shit….. WHY park next to me if you got a “problem” with my being topless….. Nasty projecting bitch! And this mofo right here, who I had come across before….. LOL! Comes around for round #2 – at one point while I got my cellphone on me (I don’t like fighting with my cellphone on cause I could lose it) starts calling me a “faggot” repeatedly, letting me know his thoughts on me…… When I put that phone down he went
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I heard a booming voice that said in the sane deep, country accent I have: “Get him!” Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I Break Free Beelzebub And The Avatar Matrix System And Hellish Astral Visions I Think I Am FINALLY About To Rid Myself of Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub And How To Do It I removed the two entity attachments he placed in me after this astral vision….. Beelzebub Pays Me A Gynecological Visit So That My Period Blood Cycle Will Sync With The Solar Eclipse of 2017 I Finally Freed Myself
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