Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Lol! I look like I’m ready to beat someone ass c’hea lol: That said, listen to how he call me a heaux and then threatens to call the slave catchers aka the police right along with his slave – this schizophrenic black guy in this new car with strangely both British and American (interestingly he got the license plate of my home state, Louisiana ?) license plates after trying to grab at me cause he thought presents, “gifts” (more than likely it had liquor in it so he can take advantage) would make it easier to take advantage……. Also how
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….Also, since the lil turd kept coming back, trying to get in my womb which were represented via my third eye as waters, I sent it and had it bound in hell. Here globs of the lil fucker here (I ate it): Say, don’t this look like an altar here? Reminds me of my old apartment….. I can snatch folks’ Souls up too.
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Note I keep the “man” out of womban ?? It is a subconscious thing. Look, these mofos here….. Looka this fucking misogynist and this other lovelorn weirdo named “KingOfTheCatNip”….. Since this bitch – who says he likes humiliating women – is lonely contact his lonely, misogynistic ass at (314) 714-5536 BITCH. IF YOU AIN’T COMING AT ME WITH MO-NAY ? A BAG DIRECT, DON’T APPROACH ME PERIOD! That is the ONLY time I will put up with a man is in the context of prostitution. I am dead damn serious. I will be alone for the rest of my life.
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Chief Heaux-ahontas lol! I am a good looking mofo and I love me which is all I need!
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Don’t come around here with that shit cause I’m with the shits…. – Shit HE LOOK like a weirdo ass perv chomo looking gook motherfucker….. This the type of mofo that be doing upskirts when he think no one looking and shit….. I caught this gook gangling around, loling around me. I remember him being around early in the morning pulling that ish. As I said before I may go shirtless but I ain’t tolerating perv shit! Like a true perv who thinks his prey is weak – he found out later on he didn’t want nan of these hands
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This mofo threw a cup at me and before called me the n word cause he sexually harassed me: As a feminist my stance is that regardless of how a womban dresses no female deserves disrespect. As I stated here: Why I Have To Throw Rocks And Hands Doing My Shirtless Activism As A Black Woman Mofos feel that cause I go shirtless am black and am female they got cartè blanche to think they can do whatever! They esp. feel like cause I am strong – cause I have to be – I am a challenge. Not I bitch:
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Because these mofos here laced my ice cream with that shit (I know it)….. https://toplessinla.org/2021/05/27/medical-malefeasance-and-abuse-at-the-national-healthcare-foundation-on-pico-blvd/ I learned to remove the death vax ☠ Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot Fool Colton Wood’s Pro Vaccine Video ONLY CONFIRMS The Covid 19 Vaccine Produces Corona Virus Symptoms IN PEOPLE ….And They Just Keeping Lining Up For That Death Shot North Carolina Revokes Covid 19 Vaccine Shots Due To Folks Getting Seriously Ill https://toplessinla.org/2021/04/11/woman-gets-covid-3-after-getting-covid-vaccine/https://toplessinla.org/2021/05/24/colton-wood-is-losing-his-mind-after-getting-covid-vaccine/ By drinking vodka since it affects your RNA as does the death vax: https://www.euronews.com/2020/12/10/vaccine-or-vodka-russians-told-to-choose-their-shot Russians are some smart mofos. Since vodka is
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All these people wanted me out….. Spiritual Warfare Against Dog Killing Witchcraft Wetbacks In RV Number AB95165 Part Un Homeless Kneegrows And A Serial Rapist Who Don’t Like Me Decides To Stay Around Me But their druggie asses got ran the fuck out ?????? One even lost his mustang. My mother always said don’t do shit and watch your enemies fall. But I use ‘woke ✊? to make it happen. Just now they ticketed skantè magic school art short bus ?
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….And here are just a few (lost hills sheriffs TOLD ME they know that these mofos DO AND SELL METH out their RV’s) – and how they get violent with em….. Now they moved next to me here….. Dude who owns it’s name is Mike. I’ve seen them dealing on a coupla occasions…… I also heard he fled out here from South Central to escape a guy who wanted to kill him for “stealing” his gf! Here is one example….. This mug here, Richard (he does copious amounts and has druggies and homeless dealers coming and going)….. And this mofo
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And ya’ll say I’m lying…… There proof (I could hear him across the street mention “breasts” and “africa” and that equally perverted dude calling me “crazy”….. Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon For all of you out there who don’t know, Abaddon is the angel of death. “He” is a judging angel that is supposed to come and judge folks for their sins. What do I do….. TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS
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