Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
We honest would make a cute gay couple….. – Please don’t fuck with her. I dunno man I honest look a lil gay (strong gay energy ✊??️?) here. I don’t see a similar romantic energy when I am paired with a man. I was honest thinking about doing something with her too…. Before anybody – esp. thirsty ass dudes (get the fuck outta here) – come on here to think I am on the side of the lgbtq you got me – esp. with my being a transracial womban and a feminist – fucked up! I am just making LEGIT
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Look I got a magick ball lol…. It is so beauty-full in here finally ?? – Hint: Halloween Chinese paper lantern decorations and solar lights for your lawn come in handy ?? I also spotted Mario Lopez from Saved By The Bell in Malibu yesterday too lol…..
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This mofo gonna get ran out ????? Many viewers have been warning this fool that he will be getting the attention of the cartels for acting up in Me-Hi-co (as he pronounces it) thinking he can pull the same shit he pulled on US cops – who are bound by law and order – unlike Messy-co which is lawless and orderless and is ran by power hungry cartels, much akin to Syria and every other war torn place: – He lucky he didn’t get shot ??♀️ His wife and kids left his ass high and dry cause they know what’s
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This was weird….. Look like a crown above this red moon…. Here is a better picture….. Funny cause a friend of mine was talking about the moon being a satellite for aliens which is a major belief online……
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It started itching down there so I had to shave it (I wonder if my bathing regime – I bathe using peppermint oil – caused it): That being said as the owner of it it is VERY small and tight esp. for someone my age (I am 38)! Surprisingly and ironically Imma keep the armpit hair tho ?? Gotta maintain appearances…..
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I can sense they were fucking around (after seeing my vids)….. They soooo quwetee ??? I can’t stand this…..    And esp. this right here…..  Here is their license plate number:  Amber03 it is spelled! I had to ‘woke these two esp. the nigger cause they coming around with this energy of leering at me like I am a zoo animal (yes I can sense that motherfucker and will let you know) and think they can treat me like the trash they threw down on the ground – the trash they are with the nigger saying
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I got a theory….. esp. since this thing showed up to more than likely possess me during a heavy bout of drinking – a custom I usually undertake before a MAJOR undertaking….. What if we are some highly advanced multidimensional video game for multidimensional beings to take over at will and control – hence entity attachments and possession…..
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Listen how she talks to her son, all flirty with sexual innuendos and this is a small young child! Here link to original videos (go comment): https://youtube.com/shorts/2IamqO_dw14?feature=share At 0:26 He said he dont use the smolder – a sex device – *on family* like who tf says that meaning they got pedophilia going on in the family! https://youtu.be/0H414gPuG0s I was able to narrow some shit about this white trash farm bred hick sounding yokel….. She lives in Las Vegas: Here are screenshots of her son and husband so their identities can be narrowed down….. – Here a vid where you
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Her name is candsbroadway. She fucked around and IS about to find out…. I believe in hitting a mofo where it hurts….. Black witches, we know the time ? Also if anyone got any info on the troll known as candsbroadway on Youtube here: https://youtube.com/user/candsbroadway Send it to me here [email protected] Let’s teach this heaux…..
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He went from this….. To this….. And he about to lose that one too ?? Don’t play with me….. this kneegrow mayate I noticed for a min was stalking me while snubbing me if I asked for help while being nice to wide bitches. Don’t play that shit with me and don’t be bringing that shit around me. Keep your whore/virgin whitewashed complex having ass from around me. How dare you sexually fiend after me while treating me like garbage to top it off. That said, he gonna stay getting ‘woked. I don’t care if he gets it. I am
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