Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Remove The Ego A False demiURGE Yaldabaoth Archon Matrix False Sense Designed To Feed Organic Portals And Archons

Remove The Ego A False demiURGE Yaldabaoth Archon Matrix False Self Designed To Feed Organic Portals And Archons

That ego was the heart of the urges designed to hold me back and keep me down…. I removed mines last night that looked like this – it will usually look grimey and ghoulish or downright demonic (based on the disposition the demiURGE aka Yaldabaoth wants to cast into you in the material body he fashioned): ….And it was THE MOST RELAXING feeling, like a huge weight was taken off my Soul…… When I pulled it out, I saw it tied to etheric chords that was carrying with it droves and droves of entities, meaning entity infestation….. As explained here:

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It’s MORGUE OFFICIAL: If Youtube Is Putting Them On And They Are Starting A Call Dass An Agent

It’s MORGUE OFFICIAL: If Youtube Is Putting Them On And They Are Starting A Call Dass An Agent

Look at the color scheme….. If you can’t see he fake I don’t know what else will…. The mofo’s collar is the sigil of baphomet….. – It’s an upside down star, upside down pentagram….. If that is not an obvious sign that he is part of the Yaldabaoth-Archon-Matrix trap, I don’t know what is….. He trying to get people to join some new (c)age cult called, “Hyperianism”….. Here is some paid fake reviewer paid to buttress his bullshit….. C’mon, man! The name “Morgue” = death! …..The ghastly white visage that is reminiscient of the reptilian like Morlocks who ate the

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How To Defeat The Illuminati: Know Thy Names Yaldabaoth The Demiurge aka God And The Illuminati Real Name Is A G Symbol Interwoven With A Snake

How To Defeat The Illuminati: Know Thy Names Yaldabaoth The Demiurge aka God And The Illuminati Real Name Is A G Symbol Interwoven With A Snake

– It’s pronounced, “YaldaBWATH!” πŸ‘πŸ» Look at the first video at the top in which I talk about this: I got 333 which I sense represents union, a unity of us folks with Souls due to the message I am conveying here…. As is said in exorcisms, there is power in knowing the true name of your adversary……. The demiurge aka “god” is actually called Yaldabaoth: He goes by many names, including Quetzalcoatl who, like Yaldabaoth as shown in the old and new testaments required human sacrifice. They are also the creators of the wetbacks hence why I just totally

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Wetbacks With Prodigy Moving Deliberately Drive Close To Fuck With My Window

Wetbacks With Prodigy Moving Deliberately Drive Close To Fuck With My Window

I REALLY don’t have the time to expend on this stupid shit…… This is why I hate wetbacks…. I can’t stand this thing here…. Here another one, built like a bean bag hence the term, “beaner.” These mofos got bad builds I swear….. Looka these beaners treating this white bitch like she is some authority figure when all she was doing was riding her bike πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ They love being white folks’ slaves as shown here…… It’s cause their daddy the demon serpent god of human sacrifice quetzalcoatl used to shapeshift into a white man…… I don’t know who in their

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Adolf Hitler Was Meant To Bring Down The Demiurge

Adolf Hitler Was Meant To Bring Down The Demiurge

They’re trying to pull that bull with me but it won’t work….. The Illuminati Comes To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist Who Will Destroy Humanity Funny thing is he was big into the occult….. and had a meth addiction = feeding the spirits…… National Geographic is telling you all…… Like Kobe Bryant, now he is in hell: Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision

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Don’t Donate To Richard Martin Cause He’ll Undermine You After You Help Him

Don’t Donate To Richard Martin Cause He’ll Undermine You After You Help Him

This pisses me off….. – I saw through my third eye it was him cause his name was spelled out…. my post got flagged within an hour he was on…… I also knew he did it cause after I donated to him there was a coldness after he got his money….. no thank you, etc…… He begs for donations so he can buy beer, cigarettes, as admitted here: – Not food, “smokes.” You can check out his IG page and see it’s chokefull of him drinking beer and smoking, hence why he is always in desperate need of donations…… Here

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Be Careful of Who You Merely Befriend

Be Careful of Who You Merely Befriend

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ – Young man – two young white men – on a motorbike who I obviously met, drunk, years back just came around. Like back then he kept insisting I come to the beach with him. Through my third eye and tarot card I saw rape: It’s both an energy rape AND a physical rape. He told me he and his girlfriend read my blog. Hope they read this! After talking with em, I saw a parade of homeless gangstalkers – one in a black van who I have seen before and a procession involving the bear mace rapist and

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The Illuminati Comes To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist Who Will Destroy Humanity

The Illuminati Comes To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist Who Will Destroy Humanity

The True Christ Will Be The Antichrist Your true “antichrist” is the catholic church, the vatican and that mark of the beast, Cesare Borgia aka HEY-Zeus that the true christ – who will be slandered as “the antichrist”, will bring down πŸ‘†πŸ»….. – Crazy. I wanna say years ago…. back when I lived in NYC, I visited the United Nations building and I heard a ghostly voice say, “We’re waiting for you…..” Not too far from this astral vision up above – which was a couple of days ago – now I am beset with another astral attempt….. Funny cause

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Black Bedwenches Got For The White Woman’s Reject A Neckbeard

Black Bedwenches Go For The White Woman’s Reject A Neckbeard

– Lordt, and it’s a bedwench with a fro who gotta say this….. they are THE MAIN ONES. right behind dark skins – who BEG for wide validation πŸ‘‰πŸ»β¬œ Hear πŸ“£ what I had to say…… πŸ‘‚πŸ» πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ I talked about this mentality a coupla days ago….. Healing Black American Genetic Memory Is Key To Stopping Other Races From Stealing Our Culture ….These the same bitches who would fuck this mentally ill thing here….. Looking like Snik from Little Monsters…..

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Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

– RIGHT AFTER publishing this article….. looka what happens…… …..Tis CA license plate number AW09B67. – As I say before, always trying to steal energy but I wasn’t having it πŸͺ³πŸšΏπŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Yeah, I am a “racist” as far as ya’ll are concerned #MAGA2024 #DeportTheDemonSeedsOut #BuildTheWall LOL! There is an old saying that goes, “Real G’s move in silence”…… – I already ‘woked this dumb wetback lol so I know it is already going through it….. And this thing here….. It is an organic portal that is under a sacrificial head thus it has no power….. Here’s it’s info…… It also

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