Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
God Is The Baphomet

God Is The Baphomet

I believe another name for him is Cernunnos: – All these Gods have horns. Here is why I say this: That is Amun, the first monotheistic God war-shipped in ancient Khemet (Egypt). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun Everything comes from ancient Egypt, including Arianism which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus is the Son of God, which you can read about here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism That said, notice that Amun is depicted as having horns, as is the Baphomet: – Makes sense cause as a God would be expected to God would be duality, both male and female! Now, everytime you say Amen, you are

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Fighting Off Intranquil And Demonic Spirits And Roach Realm Spirits of Possession

Fighting Off Intranquil And Demonic Spirits And Roach Realm Spirits of Possession

These people here: Are now sending intranquil spirits, demonic spirits of people stuck in hell, including my ancestors and my parents in the future, to oppress the living shit out of me spiritually! I just bought a van (the RV got sold and had to go) and I have been trying to start other endeavours but they are all fruitless due to this economic oppression they got placed on me: I started sungazing and I saw – through it’s abetment of my third eye – droves of spirits around me whom I believe are people and ancestors caught in the

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I Figured Out How The Curse Against Me Works: Consciousness Is Key

I Figured Out How The Curse Against Me Works: Consciousness Is Key

That is what I see out the corner of my eye before I go to sleep. I figured it out. See, I like to have outer body experiences. What you see through your third eye I believe are what you will see when you die (hence why some folks see a dark tunnel or tunnel of light when they die because when they close their physical eyes that is what they see through their third eye) because I theorize that your third eye are your physical eyes for your Soul/spirit body. The third eye harbors your consciousness since it is

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Lucifer And Faust Were Not What You Think They Are

Lucifer And Faust Were Not What You Think They Are

Lucifer was actually a bishop in Italy who was opposed to Arianism, which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus was the son of god, which came from an Egyptian christian presbyter named Arius, who actually based it on Amun Ra, a horned god who was the first Egyptian god to be monotheistically war-shipped who was then merged with the Egyptian Sun God Ra to form Amun Ra (it was originally Amun by itself): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_of_Cagliari https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/cusrd_abstracts/298/#:~:text=Originally%2C%20Amun%2DRa%20was%20known,Egyptians%20had%20a%20monotheistic%20belief. Remember the story of Faust: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust ….A German doctor who sold his Soul to the “devil”? That said that name came from a

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The Unjustified Hatred Against 69 Tekashi

The Unjustified Hatred Against 69 Tekashi

Happy I only got this version cause the elongated one is too painful – and evil – to watch: That said aside from myself – I have NEVER seen a person who got such unwarranted hate such as what 69 Tekashi has been getting PELTED with like a torrential rainfall. He don’t deserve it. I will tell you why…… It’s because of god. I swear if he were like me, very spiritual, the money he has would dry up in a NYC sec. See, god the demiurge feeds on those with Souls. The more misery he causes us, the more

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