Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

That being said, I’m just gonna say this! You all know my struggles with a curse that involves energy harvesting and Soul swapping.

A good friend of mines – and them roach spirits warned me beforehand – don’t go there!

That said, I wish I didn’t go there.

Ever since I went there I have been getting energy harvested, attacked severely, taken over (with her falsely becoming a false – a severely false higher to highest self, parasitically removing the original and doing it by connecting to a child consciousness and spirit guide I had to almost get rid of) by the highest self of the lady I got a reading from, a lil Spanish looking old lady with a small nose and whose smile is reminiscent of my grandfather on my dad’s side, whose name is Maria Parafin, I think it is that (I am wondering and trying to figure out what her real name is cause the attacks don’t stop when I say it). At first I thought it was Maria Santana.

Anyways, in summation, from what I understand, she don’t like blacks and only allowed her lower self, whose name I think could be Else or Elsa Solanao, I am not sure, to see me for my ancestral money (from what I understand during this curse I am related to the real Baron Samedi – who one time I caught her and her Santa Muerte or THE Santa Muerte in the spirit plane discussing how to steal his and my ancestral money and keep us enslaved in their realm) and only allows blacks to be seen at that shop for their ancestral money, saw what blessings, things I had coming as mentioned during the reading and put a dyybuk on me named Dan Arcienega, whom I saw IN PHYSICAL form at a bus stop here:

SAW that I was already a sacrifice and decided to put a death curse of her own on me.

From what I understand in the spirit plane and in the physical – I got a March 21, 2024 – her and her lower self made a deal with the people who had already sacrificed me – I got an Ingrid Hibert, a white German woman from out there in Malibu one time, I remember it was the night I took this video:

That said again from what I recall she a lil ole Spanish lady with a small nose there whose smile reminds me of my grandad here:

…..whose name could be Else or Elsa Serrano…..

I think this could her husband:

She is in this photo but I couldn’t get her here. She in the middle:

This could be her sister. Surprisingly I got this name Ella after hearing her name is Else, I believe she another reader there:

I wish I could get a pic of her to end this. It seems like her highest self fears that.

I heard they been eating off my suffering and possibly death given what I will tell you all later on. I think this new SUV here is evidence of that:

That said she has been hell to get off, namely cause I had no spiritual protection, outside of Baron Samedi and them roach spirits, at the start of this curse.

The other night this evil ass bitch stole a lot of my Soul consciousness, which is like a recording of your life and is your identity as given to you by God, and to cover some very propitious timelines, mainly going back to the timeline where I believe I got Soul swapped (I will do an article despite what I’m facing on that in the future), August 22, 2022 – she had removed my Soul consciousness along with entity attachments connecting me to my dad, my mom, my family to that timeline as well as other roach and entity attachments that had my identity and life attached to it. She even turned it into entity attachments designed to keep me from getting my shit back. She even wears it along with other things she stole from me.

Don’t go see them mofos.

She is an evil mofo, you gotta be an evil rotten mofo to do that to somebody, steal what personally makes them and them, and she is doing this shit to kill me off I believe.

That said, it’s alot to talk about here, but let me mention that I am not in the best mind state – my consciousness is all fucked up because of her and other things – but Imma try to expound as best as I can and say what’s happening.

Imma say this right now, cause I have very little spiritual protection, it is hell getting something like someone’s highest self out my energy body, spirit body, my head – I saw in the astral plane and spirit plane my head, consciousness, mind is divided, strewn all over the astral, spirit plane it seems and feels, taken over by her as well my body (I been wanting to use 3517 hz or 3571 hz or 117 hz combined with 800 hz to revive but it is hard when you have an ultra sentinent entity like someone’s highest self in you, commandering control of your spirit body as she has done me, manipulating your own entity attachments against you, removing your connection and entity attachments to your ancestors, which could help you out, making you feel helpless)….

She has even taken over entity attachments connecting me to Oshun, Yemaya and almost Oya in an effort to block me from getting any sort of inner help and assistance especially from ancestors, converting them into her ancestors, and all sorts of other evil shit, taken advantage of my little to no spiritual protection.

A couple of nights ago an entity attachment connecting me to God got snatched by her, manipulating other shit (strangely it was after listening to these two ruqyahs):

Hope they didn’t replace it with Allah.
Like I said it is an entity attachment to reach God, Allah, etc.

Since she an energy vampire I have tried black kyanite but it doesn’t help:

Anyways here are the codes to help since it is hell trying to get this evil ass highest self wetback bitch out.

Use 694 hz, 695 hz to
spiritually see what’s going on,
1714 hz, 1715 hz, 115 hz removed rubix cubes or blocks to see where someone is in the astral plane as well as put everything back, 295 hz combined
with 695 hz to to spiritually and
astrally get your stuff, 295 hz to get stuff
back as well
3517 hz, 3571 hz to put a spirit
body back together as well as use
117 hz combined with 800 hz to get back
your spirit and esp physical body back
together and use 125 hz, 1185 hz to pull
folks out of hell realms and 156 hz out of spirit
jars 1248 hz is the hand of God that could be used against the illuminati.

This is a hard mofo to get out that I feel woulda, shoulda never been if I had mere basic, rudimental spiritual protection, if I wasn’t set up for energy harvesting and Soul swapping (with the magnitude I get energy harvested, every night, especially early in the morning, I feel that this could only happen if you have gotten Soul Swapped).

I feel this evil bitch maneuvering around in my Soul consciousness, plotting and planning, trying to manipulate and control what I say every day and every night. This an evil sadistic ass bitch.

Most people are able to keep out someone else’s higher to highest selves with rudimental spiritual protection but I don’t have that. That’s why I be putting codes and help please on my YouTube channel every night cause this shit – with no good spirit team – is hard to deal with on your own – even with great instruments such as black kyanite I been using on her wetback ass every night:

It doesn’t do much if you don’t have the inner spiritual protection to back it up.

Let me try to explain as best – and as sane as possible – what is going on:

Part 2:

Got a part 3 and 4 coming up in the future.

Here are videos from my site just in case my site go down!

I explain some in vids up above.

Alright, some time last year I went to get a reading to desperately get out my situation and get a real understanding for what is going on as I was – cause of the Source – skeptical (hope permitting) about some things. Some things I didn’t wanna believe. And I wanted to get clarification. The Soul swapping was one and in a way the reading – very general (I felt I could done a better job) confirmed it!

As said before, I feel strongly the Soul Swap did happen. I was in denial cause to remove a curse ain’t shit but Soul swapping, like what happened to Kanye West, is a tall order!

Here is Kanye West – I heard he has a reptilian entity attachment that is very smart living in him – saying not to use 808 hz.

808 hz from experience get you back in your body.

Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military Base By Aliens In the Astral

Tom Brady Was Used By Giselle Bundchen As An Energy Sacrifice And Kanye West Got Mind Wiped By The Illuminati

I wouldn’t be so easy to energy harvest if I wasn’t Soul swapped. And as noted in previous videos I saw a woman and her ancestors sign a Soul contract the night I got Soul swapped. The night it happened – I got August 21, 2022 and an Alex Nacimento and Satan removing my whole Soul body – it was actually shown to me by another adverserial spirit – I felt someone slap the ancestral timelines of someone from Destrehan, La – it is supposed to be the girl that took over my body – entity attachments of my parents from that timeline and their spirits told me Ashley Terrell and I also got at the beginning of this curse Ashley Hampstead – while I was walking in a park next to the Manor on Pico Blvd in Santa Monica, a shelter I was staying at at the time!

I was told she looks like that but more like Mama June with Asiatic eyes and red burgundy hair (which she wears wigs, weaves of while in my body, having altered my body, lips to look like a Brats doll and breasts with implants that make it look like bazookas and eyes that have the same Asiatic appearance while she was alive) and in that timeline she layed with up with Lil Wayne and got pregnant for and had a kid for him:

This how she looked in the astral:

From what I understand the colour struck Lil Wayne ONLY wanted to have a kid with her in that timeline so he could steal my spiritual powers due to my bloodline – being related to the real Baron Samedi who actually lived and Marie Laveau.

I was informed that these articles – the ones involving “3 women” and another being rejected by record executives for something in the future – I used to wonder when I lived on the PCH why was I not famous more for, why was there a tight lid on my doing the topless thing which I senses and I think it’s cause they saw the Soul Swap (I saw it this past weekend and how folks who do it are portrayed) coming and someone more “respectable”, “manageable” and “controllable” taking my place!

Breaking Free of The Spell The Reptilians Archons Aliens Have Placed On Me

Witnessing Alien Etheric Manipulation

Reptilians Threatening Me In The Dreamscape For Not Being Recruited By Them

If I would a known and only in one timeline was I warned about this, a Soul Swap happening I learned.

I saw this a weekend ago: when someone is Soul swapped this is how they or their Soul consciousness is portrayed: deceptive.

Same thing with Adele, Kanye, Eminem, Jeff Bezos. They placed him, like with Wendy Williams, in the roach realm but in a part of the 4D that resembles the 3D so he still thinks he in his body, like Kanye.

With Adele they told you with the “weight loss” and marriage to a black man interestingly named “Rich Paul”:

Imma say this too: She ain’t doing concerts to justify being worth $300 Milly like she used to when alive.

Here is her net worth, when she actually sold out shows and did real music and not rehashes, before the Soul Swap:

Here it is after the Soul swap, deriving from shows in Las Vegas:

That said like with Kanye (aside from industry bots online who you know really really listens to his new music esp since he got Soul swapped in 2016 at UCLA), they give a $300 Milly credit limit (in the case of Kanye West a Billy) to those who Soul swapped!

He was letting you know back then.

His trainer, who turned him is, is being exposed by the mofos who Soul swapped him:

Here he is admitting he himself got Soul swapped, the entity itself!

He was “treated” aka Soul swapped at the UCLA hospital in Santa Monica, same place where I was where for 5 days interestingly I could not drink – I did get stabbed – which was ran by a Dr Louis Jolyon West who officially conducted mk ultra experiments in the 90s there:

This is me while there:

If you look at his skin here look like he got white skin underneath:

Kanye West was letting you know with his infamous clone video:

With Eminem you can see that’s a fucking clone (they did kill him in 2006 and like my parents. in that August 22, 2022 timeline he was killed again in the spirit world – use 3517 hz, 3571 hz, 117 hz combined with 800 hz to revive him – and reduced to mere consciousness with no thoughts):

They take all your best attributes and funnel them to the entity occupying your body along with your best blessings.

Alex Nacimento was doing that for the mofo in my body and I have reason to believe – Imma say this right now I saw the illuminati in that timeline and the person occupying my body with a “black card” which Lil Wayne boasted in his videos which is given usually to those who either Soul Swapped or are involved in human trafficking for them – Maria Parafin in the spirit and astral plane is doing that for them, and keeping my parents from that timeline in bondage as sacrifices for the illuminati (I saw them in Jay Z’s consciousness, being torn up and tortured and in one instance turned into an evil creature named Theriel.

This thing right behind my brother brother Bryan, who passed away I feel from being bothered by it in 2012, was I sense to become my dad in the future, Napoleon Williams Jr.

In the spirit and astral plane when trying to get in I have seen my body occupied by the Soul of a fat white girl they have tried to dress up as me numerous times.

She supposedly died from a similar roach realm curse in 2016.

That said, I remember the day after it happened, I went to the liquor store here to buy some things – non alcoholic – and the shopkeeper – very nice guy – told me that he got a phone call from somebody sounding like me over static: the classic sign of a ghost.

I also heard my whole Soul consciousness – like when I first went to jail when this curse first broke in July 2022 – is still there, wondering when will I get back and where it is.

After that happened, I would try to get in and this entity, Alex Nacimento, would block me.

I would be facing forward spiritually then get blocked from getting back into my own body.

I also remember seeing a spaceship with alien zeta greys – we all have connections to spaceships that are full of our ancestors – mines the Heru and the Nuwabians I found out I been trying to get back from these people – especially the Heru – flying overhead for a very brief SEC that were her ancestors.

Also through my third eye I saw my Soul Consciousness sticking out and still attached to my body. Saw it numerous times.

So yeah I got Soul swapped. And my parents from that timeline as well as family, my brothers (on one discarded Soul consciousness I had I saw Dad vs Drug Addiction, mom vs Drug Addiction, Kerry, Kristen (my brother Kerry was a truck driver in that timeline and my baby brother Kristen a New Orleans firefighter) vs drug addiction. It is because the girl in that timeline who took over my body sacrificed me and put a alcohol, drug curse – similar to my alcohol curses where if I would forgo more than 3 days without giving in to unusual, inhuman alcohol urges, my whole consciousness would change – on them that like a so called schizophrenic literally their whole consciousness, personality would get taken out or destroyed if they didn’t give in.

It was a highly unusual, inhuman, monstrous urge to say the least! It wasn’t normal.

I heard in that timeline that they packed their bags, left their home in Covington, La and came out here in an old raggedy white car, Taurus like my sign perhaps to meet “me” and ended up getting killed, with my baby brother from what heard Kristen sacrificed directly by the royal family (I got Prince Andrew, Prince William – I have seen Princess Diana in the spirit world lately – taking something of mine, I saw a piece of my Soul Consciousness – old ass Philip) and throwing him off a boat, alive, after inviting him basically for a sacrifice:

Those are some evil ass people in the spirit world:


As seen here at Sandringham Palace, one of their properties – a young woman, presumably poor – actually I long ago saw two articles for two young women who died and went missing on their properties.

And here is a young man trying to escape em.

They hold equine or horse hunts where they hunt folks on their properties for sport and kill em. This young lady talked about it here named Cathy O’ Brown, a high level MK Ultra sex slave (recently during this curse – and esp from having the illuminati in my timelines during this curse I learned A LOT about how they work – esp their curses and how they in their parlance “throw mk Ultra victims off the freedom train,” which I will talk on later, but I do know 1248 hz works on em and we all have inner connections to the Baphomet – which they are directly under – not under God like most of us – which could be used to defeat them too. ):

That’s how they got me in part. I wanna mention as a kid I used to have a recurring vision of me and a couple of other kids meeting Jay Z backstage with security guards in tow at a concert of his back in 1991.

Mind you he didn’t blow up till 1997.

I thought that it noted me and them being under MK Ultra control. Turns out he used our Baphomet, esp. mine, to steal our blessings!

I kept wondering why there was a dark cloud over me and no matter how hard, industrious I worked I could get nowhere, same as now but thru this curse I got greater clarification on why!

I found out I was meant to be a child art prodigy:

That being said let me go on and talk about them people at San Miguel Botanica, 8704 Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90003.

I wanna mention this. I keep talking about August 22, 2022 but something also happened on May 1, 2024 due to those people there.

Because of the dyybuk they put on me I was told that the dyybuk, whose name is Dan Arcienega, had slit my throat while I was asleep – same thing done to my parents and before that Baron Samedi many many months before as per the curse placed on me by them people, esp that woman’s highest self Maria Parafin – and Imma say this I have been seeing weird shit since.

She has also turned my dad, going back to that August the 22, 2022 timeline where I got Soul swapped, into a dyybuk to attack me in my spirit and astral body as well as outside of it as well using, as I will explain, the illuminati and Shawn Corey Carter aka Jay Z from that timeline:

She has used my mother from that timeline as an entity attachment to attack me as well.

I have been seeing folks driving but simultaneously asleep at the wheel. You know how folks say while you are awake your astral body is asleep. That’s what I see. White masks superimposed on folks’ faces. Aztec death masks and once hearing an Aztec death whistle.

The day of this I recall hearing a Hispanic lady say “she looks like she is inbetween worlds” and on numerous occasions I have seen a dreamy vision that I was told was the process of dying sequence. I had entity attachments from my body, consciousness fall out and I would be lying if I weren’t to say that I no longer feel bones in me but chords much like electrical thick wires in me. My body feels more like a spirit body than anything.

From what I understand she had placed me in Santa Muerte’s realm – I believe either the general one or her realm in the spirit realm (as Santa Muerte is a thought form, a tulpa and extension of the Mexican Oversoul consciousness she is only as good as your higher to highest selves are which she latches onto – as Maria Parafin has done – to have “meat” to her – unlike Baron Samedi or Oshun, Ogun, Thor, Aphrodite, Hekate, who actually existed who have their own consciousnesses and can live autonomously with folks in their own realms) and on one occasion, when I noted this article here confirming something that was going on, that this highest self Maria Parafin was contriving, to make me a sacrifice to her so she could steal my powers and become her, which XXXTentacion in a vision warned me of, I almost literally fell out my body and almost died! No joke. I felt it and if it weren’t for Baron Samedi, a child spirit guide, them roach spirits I woulda died!

On another occasion I recall – now mind you I am very healthy, eat healthy, work out with weights.

Like now, but not as bad – Imma say this. I feel drained like something is draining the life outta me. One day, the worst of it, while being perfectly healthy, I felt something pull a chord in the back of my head and body and lo and behold it was Maria Parafin using Santa Muerte to try to kill me by pulling me out my body.

I could not stand up, could barely move my head. My mouth, face felt like a trillion needles were in it and I honestly felt like I was gonna die. I wanna mention that, since that May 1, 2024, in the astral, spirit plane (Baron Samedi has been trying to remove and fix that along with surprisingly Alex Nacimento) I saw a black cube next to my body and my head along with coffins that were full of Santa Muerte, replacing my body, at one point.

The black cube unbeknownst to alot of people represents death.

It is placed at Mecca as protection for Allah’s people once they die, hence why as folks – by donning white – in Haiti, voodoo do for funerals – honour and Revere death and in the case of Muslims prepare to have a good place in the afterlife via that cube.

That is what I saw next to me in the astral plane and I was told it was because of what these people did:

That being said some months ago, I think maybe last year, 2024 or 2023 I went there for a reading.

That being said, they seemed nice enough but as I said before – I kinda felt it when I first walked in – they don’t see black folks unless you have a great deal of ancestral money (to steal) and that is what I heard.

I was in the reading with him:

and the woman I mentioned whose highest self’s name is Maria Parafin. Again a lil short dimunitive woman whose name I believe is Else or Elsa Serrano.

I felt the presence of her ancestors around her and I recall telling both cause of the nature of what I am dealing with – I believe and strongly feel Soul swapping is involved – use spiritual protection.

That being said it was very general but I recall them saying blocks on my money and them blocks being removed at some point.

That said, for months I had no problems.

I recall having a dream or nightmare of a young dude off the PCH named Mikey Hernandez trying to get at me spiritually (from what I understand like with Parafin I believe he is very territorial and killed some black folks in South Central for being in his area – his ancestral spirit dyybuk Dan Arcienega later went around South Central where I lived haunting and fucking with the innocent blacks there – and was planning on doing the same to me till I preempted – my ancestors, spirit guides showed me visions of this):

But Baron Samedi, Alex Nacimento, ancestors, roach spirits and a few other spirits blocked it!

That being said I recall being on the verge of defeating the curse, by getting rid of Alex Nacimento and not too long after after me and my ancestors nearly removed him he came back with Dan Arcienega, an ancestral spirit of Mikey Hernandez’s that was tied to his Raziel whose name I think was (?) Elizondo Salazar:

I first profiled Alex Nacimento or “Paul Edwards” here, consorted by a blonde German lady who put this evil shit on me whom to this day I am wondering who she is:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

I saw Dan Arcienega in the flesh here at Manchester and Figueroa by the old church’s at a bus stop – in two places damn near at the same time (I saw him first at the 4th block then there when I first got there) and my spirit guides agreed something wasn’t right with him, his appearance and that got confirmed.

He looked alot like this with the word “Indian” or some other word written on his forehead!

That being said from how he was introduced he was – now I know – falsely introduced as Alex Nacimento’s higher self – really it was an ancestral spirit that the racist Maria Tavarez dispatched after she saw the blessings that were supposed to be coming to me that was sent to take over and pick up my consciousness, kill me in my sleep and as I keep hearing over and over by her “make sure I stay dead” so she can continue to get my stuff.

I actually noticed that they are driving brand new vehicles since that May 1, 2024 timeline where I was told something happened, I died in my sleep.

I heard since that time – and in that timeline – they been seeing alot of customers while I am over here superficially losing my health but really my life while they old azzez thrive “inexplicably”.

So something going on and it ain’t right by me.

I heard it had something to do with making me a sacrifice to Santa Muerte by them. For Mikey Hernandez I saw Quetzalcoatl and Huitzicoatl and his Raziel – again whose name I think is Elizondo Salazar – and his connection to God I was being sacrificed to. I think it is do with him in that August 22, 2022 timeline as well as him in the roach realm, before that May 1, 2024 timeline.

I heard this his home in the physical and the second in the astral:

Imma say this right now: as I said before – I saw it physically – this dyybuk, Dan Arcienega, is a very serious entity to have on you (from experience 5249 hz, 5429 hz as well as angel, demon sigils could be used to get rid of him but I think he gotta be detached from his Raziel to no longer have meat) – is a serious entity. From what I could tell it is composed of astral body parts – including my dad’s (who died in that August 22, 2022 timeline) – and can manifest physically. It will try to destroy your consciousness and distance you from your spirit body, as I believe has done happened to me. When past life relatives saw him they saw the danger I was in and tried to mitigate the issues with him:

Angel and demon sigils that could be used to get rid of him:

It got so severe, the danger so serious that even my spiritual enemies – Ingrid Hibert and her higher to highest selves, a Native American shaman, David Reina and them had to get involved to stop this evil mofo from taking me over and removing my consciousness.

Basically Maria Tavarez got together with Mikey Hernandez (who dropped her once he no longer could use her) to use this dyybuk to take over my consciousness and steal my stuff – your timelines, all that are in your consciousness – and get rid of me aka kill me.

With that said Baron Samedi and Alex Nacimento hatched a plan to get this shit out.

BTW I wanna mention that while asleep I saw my brother Kristen and Bryan (I was told and saw she sacrificed them too to the illuminati going back to that August 22, 2022 timelines for riches and fame) – presumably from that August 22, 2022 timeline – in a factory setting trying to attack me as as deccicated zombie like demons. Really it was to reach out for help:

– What you see behind my brother is what I was warned of what my dad would become due to this curse. A demon in one instance named Theriel.

I learned that during this curse that either him from the future of Alex Nacimento, a version of him, haunted him till he died.

After he died my dad – all fucked up in the head looking (as I saw at the beginning of astral world during this curse, before and a lil after that timeline – August 22, 2022 when I got Soul swapped – they kept fucking up his consciousness, making him gay and all sorts of shit and from what I understand he died in his sleep – I got July or August 2023 as told to me by his entity attachment (they’ve showed me that timeline so it is real) and got taken out his body and placed in the roach realm by Alex Nacimento. Anyways I heard and saw he had a crazed look in his eye. He was proudly driving his lil NOPD cruiser which he was proud to have joined (all throughout my youth I heard he had failed Kindergarten and I found out it was caused evil spirits from this timeline were going back and fucking with him, to make him a sacrifice early on). Anyways took him to the patrol station and cause of how fucked up his consciousness is, raped him.

That’s why I say I gotta do something about this shit, Soul swapped or not (I now know I was) and I don’t need this selfish bitch Maria Tavarez entering the picture, making shit much worse for me and my family when I am just trying to get back home to my body.

I don’t need this shit nor this shit getting much worse.

Anytime your enemies trying to help you out you know something ain’t right about the mugs – Tavarez, Arcienega, Hernandez – attacking you as I said before. Their a whole level of fucked up. Even the highest to higher selves of the mugs who initially cursed me – got an Alexis Monday for Ingrid Hibert, agree.

That being said as said before Maria Tavarez made an agreement – her and her lower self – I got March 21, 2024 – with the folks who initially sacrificed me to further sacrifice me. Again I got an Ingrid Hibert, an Alcala or Orozco. Trying to figure out the blonde and her name.

That being said, Alex Nacimento and Baron Samedi – who I think saved me and my Soul one night after they had officially sacrificed me – hatched a plan (I remember seeing the grim reaper appear not that long after May 1, 2024, when I died in my sleep and right when I was trying to get back in my body, a body which Dan Arcienega would block me from getting back into) to get me out of this by getting them in a counter agreement that would give me back my shit and make them not sacrifice me or anyone else again.

I remember after the agreement between Maria Parafin and them people who first sacrificed me – she has their protection from what I saw along with Santa Muerte’s and now the illuminati’s led by Jay Z, I recall her and her Santa Muerte, or the one in the spirit world, discussing killing both me and the Baron and stealing our ancestral money and I expressely recall hearing her say we gotta keep her dead so she can’t get her shit back and as I said before they used the dyybuk Dan Arcienega to keep me from getting back to the world of the living.

I saw that one day when Baron Samedi was trying to set me up to return back to the world of the living along with them roach spirits.

That said, ever since May 1, 2024, it feels like living under a dark cloud of Santa Muerte and seeing weird shit to remind me I died.

This here is supposed to mark it: this odd satellite looking object that I noticed acting peculiar ( not the first time I have seen something like it – I saw a black and grey ordinary looking balloon that supposed to be her colors doing the same thing), coming towards me while at a shelter then moving far far away. When I tried to capture it on vid my vid inexplicably started acting up but this what I got:

I have seen full fledged frequency – like I am in the astral plane – coming from cars, object and folks.

I know something ain’t right.

That said I don’t feel fully alive, like I am in the world of the living and I have been getting energy harvested by her, bad.

From what I understand she saw all I had was a child spirit guide and roach attachments to protect me (she knew Baron Samedi’s and his highest self’s real name and kept using it to attack AND steal from him, esp his ancestral money for him and Santa Muerte) and like a predator decided to come for me.

She would attack that child by tying herself to it as well as my energy body to drain me. She has stolen my intelligence, strength and other things and as I said before my whole Soul consciousness and damn near me life so she could claim my Soul and my material stuff, nearly ripping me out my body. She is like the blob (mainly cause I have no inner spiritual protection and cause she is mad sentinent) who takes over easily.

She has stolen parts of my body, reincarnated it (you can use 432 hz, 925 hz to switch stuff back) – I also recall 960 hz and 962 hz working on energy vampires like her.

I know I am not full on alive cause, while staying at one shelter, when Baron Samedi was putting me into a body, the scene around me started “changing” like I was being out back into reality. I saw people simultaneously talking while not talking and their full fleshed personalities showing.

I recall at another shelter finding out that I had inadvertently traded spirit bodies – something to do with the illuminati, Maria Parafin, and being put in a less favourable timeline where I could get back.

Now mind you at that shelter from what I recall it was only men and women, housed.

I went there for breakfast as usual at 6:00 am and was told they only see families. There were no families I recall housed there.

That was a wake up call I am not in the world of the living.

The worst of it. Let me say this: that timeline is real. Something happened on August 22, 2022. A Soul Swap I saw. And on May 1, 2024 at their hands.

That said from what I understand to stay in that timeline she has been working with the illuminati going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline. She has been doing so by working with them to keep me out by stealing timelines (vital to my survival) and my Soul consciousness – which nearly killed me one night (I was down to physical bones dealing with that and if it wasn’t for them roach spirits intervening I woulda been dead) – so that I can’t get my shit back along with placing my parents – who from what I saw got placed in Jay Z aka Shawn Corey Carter’s head and were being sawed through left and right (at one point they were in Rhianna’s I saw one night) as sacrifices with their entity and roach attachments tying them to that August 22, 2022 timeline removed so I can’t get back in my body and they stay sacrifices so she could come up.

She has taken over my spirit and astral and physical body I have seen numerous times, reincarnated it, divided it. It is a nightmare to deal with. I don’t know how to get her ass out. She’ll remove ancestors. She has commandeered control of entity attachments connecting me to them, Oshun, Oya and tried to remove them or convert them to her wetback ancestors to turn them against me and the worst is hearing her order what she wants to take from me and feeling helpless cause I have no inner spiritual protection. She was using my entity attachment of Hekate against me. She’ll even use my entity attachments against me such as when I tried almost successfully to use 6000 hz against her I saw I had lost my whole heart chakra the next morning and other organs attached to my astral, spirit body.

It’s fucked up being a sacrifice already and even more torturous getting something like her out, something super sentinent.

Recently she has taken over an entity attachment that connects me to God, Allah that is vital to my existence and it occured after hearing these two ruqyahs here:

And she been using it to manipulate where I could find her, where she at etc.

I’m just gonna say this. You got predatory higher, highest selves out there. If you do a reading beware of who you go to. There’s more I wanna say – I am trying to rem it all but don’t go to these mofos!

(Show picture of em)

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