The Reinas Got Into A Fatal Car Crash Now They Are Trying To Switch Souls

The Reinas Got Into A Fatal Car Crash Now They Are Trying To Switch Souls

I just learned that the Reinas got into a fatal car crash ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿš— That said I just learned through my third eye and from the spirits around me that she, Barbara Reina is trying to switch Soul consciousness with my mom and her husband, David Reina, with my dad! Here is how they started doing it….. A coupla weeks ago they killed my parents in the astral plane after cursing them as part of their evil plan to come after me. Their curse caused them to astral project every single night and – if you have ever had one of

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Thank You ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ The Reinas Got FUCKED UP

Thank You ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ The Reinas Got FUCKED UP

Turns out the nasty crown chakra he had on my head was designed to keep him, David Reina, connected to my lifeforce so he won’t lie. There is still one around my consciousness. They have done this to my family! Early this morning, I saw that my mother’s Soul is practically in Barbara’s body while her Soul is in Barbara’s Body. My mom’s consciousness is still there in Barbara’s body but a significabt portion keeps getting pulled out so, if Barbara’s physical body dies, my mama dies….. That said, I can hear their equally racist, white supremacist astral parasites, entity

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What Barbara Reina And David Reina Are Doing To Me Is Just Like In That Film โ€œGet Outโ€

What Barbara Reina And David Reina Are Doing To Me Is Just Like In That Film “Get Out”

While making the video that white bitch Barbara did something to my spiritual larnyx to make it more “white” and thus acceptable to her. She also put an entity attachment on my crown chakra designed to steal my black consciousness. When I just took it off, I realize in part that not only is it designed to change my consciousness, but take a piece of it – a significant piece – when I remove it. This white bitch Barbara Reina is extremely jealous of my blackness and my identity – and wants it! She and that wetback David Reina (I

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