Astral Vision Shows Wetback Serial Killer Plans To Kill Me Under Guise of Giving Me New Car

Astral Vision Shows Wetback Serial Killer Plans To Kill Me Under Guise of Giving Me New Car

I kept receiving these email correspondences from a guy claiming to offer a minivan…..

When he said that he could not call my number I knew something was weird……

– The strange thing is I see a fresh faced, oval faced, young person with a hairstyle mad similar to Ashton Kutcher’s…… now here is what I got early this morning……

The mofo I saw, as EXACTLY conveyed by the description, looks EXACTLY like what I saw in said astral vision….. ugly, with a face like Bobba from Double Dragon……

– With mustache, long hair and a deformed right face, like a big bumpy patch, somewhat similar to this Youtuber I saw earlier in the day…… but not that messed up.

THE NOSE was messed up. exactly. like his!

I was at a carnival. I meant him there under the pretense of receiving a minivan. He was wearing a baby blue shirt similar to what they wear in prison with his name on it and prisoner status. It was sooo vivid. I then heard telepathically “he wants to kill you cause he hates you.”

Then I awoke!

When you are in the public eye, a talk very unpopular opinions – like with something that happened tonight…. See, I don’t have body guards to back me up so I have to use black magick to equalize and straighten things out. It is the only way for me to survive. I know there are very evil things working behind the scenes – and working behind folks, getting folks to hate me as I learned from one homeless shelter before – to fuck me and my life up but, without spiritual protection, what the fuck do I do ??‍♀️ That’s why I wanna punch in the face anyone who tells me to be on the peace love and light show bullshit. That shaman who rescued my brother from the underworld told me this. Bitch, you ain’t in my shoes to know what I go thru to understand why I gotta do what I gotta do!

I ain’t got a fucking choice.

That being said, folks thinking they can use my hardship to do me harm….. you got another thing comin’.

I ain’t like Colton Wood……

This why spiritual protection in any degree is important. Those monsters keep coming and coming for him.

This why I do what I do (this my pride and joy ‘woke ✊?)…..

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out

* One guy who him and his nasty ass girlfriend who kept shadowing me on the pch to stare at me for going shirtless who later revealed they both steal for a “living” while making racist insinuations of how I don’t work (they in that blue bus on the pch)……

When ‘Wokeing Goes Wrong….For The ‘Woked ??✊???‍♀️??‍♀️

– His girlfriend did that after I ‘woked em (causing anger issues – she was also mad fearful of me)……

Welp, he told me that, after having a psychotic episode where he was running in the street supposedly from a ptsd war episode, saying “They are gonna get me…..”

Welp, he later informed me that shadow people very similar to this – who are around me – are chasing him, fucking with him (we are talking poltergeist activity with shit being moved around, him being pulled off his bed etc.) and not only trying to keep him from sleeping but are trying to pull him into a portal into their world……

Don’t fuck with me.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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