Raven Williams Presents John Carpenter’s The Wetback

Raven Williams Presents John Carpenter’s The Wetback

This a paraody of John Carpenter’s The Thing witch ??‍♀️ (lol) I wrote here:

Wetbacks Are Like John Carpenter’s The Thing

It shows them mofos’ true nature….


Do doo doo doo doo

Today I was at the porta potty and a wetback parked there – obviously waiting for me to leave – and said, of course in broken Engrish: “I love you” till I ran his simple dumb wetback ass off.

I can’t stand them mofos!

I SWEAR they are some type of low vibratory matrix agents that get sent to disrupt us REAL humans as we rise like these mofo THINGS here…..


It’s like they are literally PROGRAMMED to just function in the 3D hence why they have an unusual preoccupation with sex, drinking, etc. and can’t ascend. I think that and their reptilian bloodline:

Is why I innately can’t stand em!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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