Possession Caught On Tape

Possession Caught On Tape

Looka that reptilian ass eye:

Here the original so you know it’s not fake:

You can see I’m in fucking pain. I can feel that shit crushing my fucking crown chakra with all that weight.


Looka these paw marks on my leg:

Reminds me of the three pawed reptilian looking entity I captured here in my old apartment in Worcester, MA.

I believe I covered it’s ass as the Rebugga Low creature who I saw in the astral one time here, slitting what appears to be a “man” (it looks reptilian) throat:

Encountering A Reptilian Demon Named Rebuggo Low

I recall once that entity LIT taking my body over, controlling me (I know cause I was looking thru it’s eyes which were miniscule) and removing a picture of it’s ghostly hand over my breasts that was taken in that same Worcester apartment that night I snapped that pic.

This was a picture of a BLANK WHITE WALL BTW just so you know….

– Look at it close enough and you can see ALL sorts of faces!

After drawing this, I felt the entity – which I sensed didn’t leave but just got a lil weaker here:

….all of a sudden reattach to me crown chakra (to block it severely) and the right side, again. I fought it off (I don’t feel it on the right side of my face as much) but I feel it more on the crown, SEVERELY on the crown.

This is fucking annoying. And all DISS after beating this shit!

Here is the possession being caught on tape:



[purchase_link id=”36442″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”]

I personally think it is a parasitic entity that attaches itself to you, obstructs your chakras and their flows AND attracts more bad entities to you!

There’s been times where I felt like I couldn’t breathe cause of that thing, like right now.

Imma make this shit give me some peace!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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