My Boy Fellow Youtuber Gardener Earth Guy Admits He Worked For The Navy To Troll 1st Amendment Auditors

My Boy Fellow Youtuber Gardener Earth Guy Admits He Worked For The Navy To Troll 1st Amendment Auditors

I kinda touch on his trolling methods here: I was watching a Anderson Henderson livestream here: – Gardener Earth Guy aka GEG kinda cutee ? Always says stupid lil shit in my comments: LOL! Anyways, in this clip from said show you can hear him admit – and he sounds honest – that the navy hired him to troll 1st amendment auditors on youtube: I do too (and will be exposing they frauditor asses too)! Anyways, he kinda cutee! Got the Jack Nicholson smile: Kinda reminds me of the Jack Nicholson smile by grandfather on my dad’s side had

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Racist Inbred Crakkka Named Aron ‘O Muireagan Reveals White People’s Fears of Black Self Confidence

Racist Inbred Crakkka Named Aron ‘O Muireagan Reveals White People’s Fears of Black Self Confidence

Just look at the texts he posted on his ig account here: This how that creature looks: Tell me he don’t look like the cutty black (white sow) or Alf: – That mofo, the cutty black sow, used to scare TF outta my ass as a child. He was on an episode of “Tales From The Darkside” show. I miss my childhood. Anyways here is the full blown convo.: – That being said, this basically affirms what Dr. Francis Cress Welsing (who write the famous underground book “The Theory of Color Confrontation) and numerous other TRUE illuminatis aka illuminators

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Storytime: The Time A Cult Tried To Recruit Me

Storytime: The Time A Cult Tried To Recruit Me

::UPDATE UPDATE:: Dese weird-heauxs just posted up at the Malibu beach where I used to stay right after I called they asses out, lol: – Fucking “gods”. Yeah right, real gods don’t follow other fucking peepole. He trying to get a lil harem started like Nature-kneegrow here: – At least he cutee Looka this shit: – So apparently cause a womban dared spoke up and called his insecure ass OUT she “insecure” ? He says “Black Wives Lives Matter” yet his black ass with this asian girl here: And both his “wives” got European styled long hurr: I got a

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