Los Angeles FAGGOT Ranger Tells Me To Put On A Shirt

Los Angeles FAGGOT Ranger Tells Me To Put On A Shirt

This what his ASS do on the job…


Or shall I say, fahjay (my word for FAGGOT)!

– Bet he ain’t as fine as that dude, too.

I ain’t gonna lie this image kinda hott… I like watching male on male gay porn.

After calling out some crakkkaroaches from the great state of LOSER-ana (my home state unfortunately) after hearing them talk shit (I have telepathy and I can hear into thd spirit world)…

This Los Angeles FAGGOT RANGER drove past reeeal quick like the cowardly ass crakkka he is and told me to put on a shirt which you can hear, here:

[purchase_link id=”31500″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

This me just blabbering, here…

That said, I have spoken about white “men” aka BOIS before – about them being the most INSECURE group of males on the planet. They lack testosterone as CONFIRMED by this study that shows that they have the same bone density as black womben meaning THEY ARE ONLY AS STRONG AS THE LADIES OF OUR RACE MEANING IN TERMS OF STRENGHT THEY CAN NOT COMPETE WITH THE BLACK MAN:


They created misogyny and slut shaming to keep control over the womben of their race so they won’t run to the big strong black man for some real dick!

But… to their credit, white men do make great tricks:

…As confirmed by pretty hoe:

And me!

You can buy the shirts here:


Anyways, their inadequate asses – and this why their race dying out – have a backwards, INCESTUOUS preoccupation with breasts. MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO IF ANYTHING SEXUALIZE THE HIPS AND ASS CAUSE THE HIPS AND ASS RATIO CONFIRMS WHETHER YOU CAN CARRY A CHILD. White “men” choosing these bony bitches is what’s killing they asses – that and dogs and children because, look, when I was pregnant, my bony 99lbs ass could BARELY carry a bastard (cause it was a fucking bastard) IN MY FUCKING WOMB BECAUSE I WAS JUST NOT EQUIPPED TO DO IT – CONSTANTLY PUKING, suffering from nausea, cause I was not physically equipped to carry a bowling bowl while dealing with nausea attacks in which would cause me to hurl out food I could not afford to NOT keep in…

That said, read more links I did in the past talking about white bois and how they CAUSED toplessness amongst females to be illegal (I heard their asses see breasts as backwards asses whereas hispanic, black, men of color see it for what it was – at least before we came into contact with those sexually perverted genetic defective “We Wuz Kave Apes”):










If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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