How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

Years ago my lil baby brother committed suicide due to pharmaceutical drugs… He didn’t need it. It caused him to hear bad entities do because it is legalized meth. Think about it? When you take shit benadryl or even usd cosmetics which have urine in em (you can just use your own urine), they have all that shit in there like phorosphorus fermeldahyde and all that crazy. THAT’S NO DIFFERENT THAN METH WITH ALL THOSE CHEMICALS! Listen: [purchase_link id=”31474″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now that I think of it adderall IS legalized meth, MADE BY BIG PHARMA: – Notice on

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Why Spirits Incarnate On This Earth Realm

Why Spirits Incarnate On This Earth Realm

I did some pondering as to WHY would spirits incarnate on this hellhole while having heaven – literally – in the “afterlife” which is literally the astral. See, in the afterlife, you can create whatever you want: houses, mansions, fast cars – anything you wish. That is because in the astral aka “afterlife” EVERYTHING IS THOUGHT! The less dense it is and the more spiritual it is the more you can conjure things up in a split second and – bam – all your material needs are met! No need to work hard and that is the KEY to what

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