How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

How Pharmaceutical Drugs Are LEGAL METH

Years ago my lil baby brother committed suicide due to pharmaceutical drugs…

I’ll see to it that he finally, “Rests In Peace”, Sweet Baby Brother!!

He didn’t need it. It caused him to hear bad entities do because it is legalized meth.

Think about it? When you take shit benadryl or even usd cosmetics which have urine in em (you can just use your own urine), they have all that shit in there like phorosphorus fermeldahyde and all that crazy. THAT’S NO DIFFERENT THAN METH WITH ALL THOSE CHEMICALS! Listen:

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Now that I think of it adderall IS legalized meth, MADE BY BIG PHARMA:

– Notice on the label they call it “entity” just like alcohol – which allows for spirit possession – is called “spirits” and gin (djinn = entity that possesses folks in Arabic culture).

Word count came to 77:

And here I am enjoying the Beauty of Malibu:

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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