Is This Cop Stalking Me

Is This Cop Stalking Me

HOLY SHIT, BOTH THE VIDS I POSTED OF HIM HERE END IN “33” LIKE THEY BOTH LAST FOR APPROX. 33 MINS: The dude I’m about to talk about in this article looks like 90s singer, Mya (the mouth real similar): Excuse me while I start off writing this in my car… – Always gotta start an article off with some BUSH like I did in the last two articles – lol! Anyways – and I am a GREAT student of observation – I noticed not too long after I wrote THIS article here: Lo and behold this nigga STOPS

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Looking Young Because of High Level Spirituality

Looking Young Because of High Level Spirituality

I can’t help but to marvel at myself… I am just BEAYOOTIFUL ALLL OVER including here… I love my bush! That said, I can’t help but notice that I look like a veritable shapeshifter in these pics (I kinda look like Scarlett Johansson in em)… – Those don’t even hold a candle to THESE (I LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT PERSON, EXOTIC, ETHIOPIAN LOOKING) – I got my mama’s eyes. I’m sorry but… I LOOK LIKE A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON (The last ones in the dark are my favs.). – AND I WEAR NO MAKEUP AND LIVE OUTTA MY FUCKING CAR!

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Seeing Spiritual Animals

Seeing Spiritual Animals

Now, when I talk about this, I’m not referring to YOUR spirit totem animals… BTW I found this app named “auric camera” THAT IS REALLY ACCURATE IN TAKING PHOTOS OF YOUR AURA (or at least picking up on your energy as those aren’t actual real auric colors)… – I notice while in my car the energy FLUCTUATES based on where I’m at! I notice mines change based on location and based on what location I am at THEY ARE PRETTY CONSISTENT letting me know it is real… Also, different parts of my body cast off different auric colors letting me

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