I Saw The Astral Entities That Turn People Against Me

I Saw The Astral Entities That Turn People Against Me

I have always been aware of their presence but never seen them until now… I saw them – in a vision – in my old apartment and recently in a vision that has played out multiple times (as I type this – earlier, before writing this – I FORGOT about writing this while it was on the tip of my tongue – and the other article which I just wrote was messing up to keep me from publishing it so I WON’T WRITE THIS)!!! Now I know this shit’s real. All, my life, even going back to when I was

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The Time I Witnessed A Human Sacrifice In The Astral

The Time I Witnessed A Human Sacrifice In The Astral

That exist sign I posted is even foreboding… I wanna mention, too, early this morning I saw a fleeting image of a GHOST outside my window I turned my head for a brief second to look after thinking someone was there – then – no one was there! Anyways, let me tell you all the time I witnessed what I sense was a human sacrifice taking place in the astral… This vision which I had occurred at ny opd apartment. Now, human, spiritual sacrifices are REAL. YOU NEED ONLY TO LOOK TO THE CASE OF CHRISTOPHER CASE TO SEE THAT:

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