Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military Base By Aliens In the Astral

Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military Base By Aliens In the Astral

While writing this article here… https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/09/susan-rinderle-linkedin-invite-is-an-illuminati-attempt-to-try-to-recruit-raven-masterson-to-become-a-lamestream-advocate/ The revelation came to my mind! THIS Kanye you see here IS CLONED: – You can TELL by the soulless vacant look, STARE and lack of talkativeness that that ain’t Kanye! Even the Hellyweird (pun AGAINST HOLLYWOOD and not the mag itself) Reporter hints at it by saying that the blonde hair indicates the person is now locked and loaded under mind control: While writing the article up above, the following vision/info came to me: “This how they got Kanye (referring to how they TRYING to get me!): I got the sense that Kanye

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Susan Rinderle Linkedin Invite Is An Illuminati Attempt To Try To Recruit Raven Masterson To Become A Lamestream Advocate

Susan Rinderle Linkedin Invite Is An Illuminati Attempt To Try To Recruit Raven Masterson To Become A Lamestream Advocate

Emphasis on the “TRANS” or shall I say “TRANCE” LIKE “TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA” BY FORMER MK ULTRA “PRESIDENTIAL MODEL” CATHY O’BRIEN WHO WROTE THIS BOOK: http://trance-formation.com – which was used in the letter as if to TRANCE-FORM me into something THEY WANT ME TO BE SO I CAN BE USE-ABLE FOR THEIR OWN ENDS!!! AFTER ALLL I BEEN THRU, LIKE HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ … I told ya these MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS – THE ILLUMINATI – behind their curtains of minions, they were gonna try to recruit me and this Susan Rinderle person is the latest in those attacks! That said, here is

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