This vid does a great job of summing it up (by the ever so clever Bill Madon of Youtube’s “Night Terrors” – I like his last name and think he’s cutee!) BUT I STRONGLY SUGGEST READING FURTHER CAUSE THE MORE EXTENSIVE STORY IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING…
Back in the 1920’s (using what can be construed as technology before his time ie outer body experiences, future projection – as I call it – and remote viewing) this man was able to see some 3,000 years into the future what would happen to the Earth – and possibly what the Illuminati has in store for us!
The man’s name was Paul Dienach, an Austrian national who fell into a deep coma and then resumed consciousness by waking into the body of his future self – 3000 years into the future.
In the year 3906, he saw, from the perspective of his future self whose name was Andreas Northam, how life was going to be for humankind in that year and how things came to be. In that future era, we evolved to become a new species of human – homo occidentalis novo – due to accessing our psychic powers and parts of the brain that due to our lack of foundational understanding of such things – like DNA activiation, etc. which is considered the realm of “PSYCHics and PSYCHos (note the use of PSYCH in both those words there) along with misconceptions of heightened psychic awareness (calling the ability to see with the third eye for instance “schizophrenia”) – today, we lack the ability to access!
That said, though that part sounds optimistic – the fact EVERYONE was on the same page due to heightened states of awareness – telekinesis (being able to move objects with the mind), TELEPATHY (being able to hear people’s thoughts cause how can you plan anything like a bank robbery when people kbow ahead what you’re cooking up), clairaudience (being able to hear “spirits” = energy), clairofaction (being able to smell above the normal range), and clairvoyance (something I have) which is the ability to see above the normal light spectrum which – I can attest – from personal experience is the best way to describe things and see things that are not in our 3D realm – everything was not so peachy keen esp. for people of color in that future reality.
It’s well known that the illuminati is planning Agenda 21 in an effort to wipe out the vast masses of “useless eaters” on the planet! That said, according to the diary, they were going to cause a war that would wipe out all the brown, yellow, and black races on Earth (this why they wanna wipe out the jews and are fomenting so much hatred cause they act as a buffer between us people of colour and white supremacists. You can read more about that here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/18/the-illuminati-are-pushing-anti-semitism-to-bring-about-the-apocalypse/). It also mentions that in 2265, a major natural disaster hits Mars (I sense tornadoes) in which kills all the colonizing inhabitants and never again is a colony established on Mars. The most interesting is our physical, spiritual evolution as a human species: In 3382, starting with one man, we evolve to have “hypervision” or “hyperintuition” in which we tap into the astral realm and dematerialize our bodies instantly in which we can go in the astral, create things there, and bring them back here (which explains why certain alien civilizations such as Venusians can claim they live on planets even though our 3D eyes can’t see because they are so less denser than we are that they are not as anchored to this realm as we are and thus can weave in and out of this light spectrum in the same way that spirits who are of a higher dimensional capacity than us can do!). It’s funny cause – since we are in the Age of Aquarius – The Age of the Womban – we are headed in that direction NOW (something the illuminati doesn’t want hence why they tried to shut down the internet using SOPA and also Jesus Christ taught the opening of your chakras instead of the ignorance and hive mind control mentality the temples of his time and the illuminati of this time push) with our use of crystals, crystalline technology, focusing on chakras, spirituality, awakened consciousness that we have here now. Thus, all in all physical objects for travel or anything won’t be as necessary and money, wars, LAWS will be rendered obsolete.
Now it’s stated that the illuminati hid this book (it is also reported that Paul is considered a “Prophet” amongst them) and via purported Greek illuminati member – George Papahatzis, a former student of Dienach’s who later become a national councilmember of Greece – the diary was brought to the attention of the public, but not without the repercussions of having his image tarnished, and soon from what I recall, “dying” as well. It’s reported that the illuminati could of had said book “fitted” to fit their plans or leave things out of said diary revealing them all alone but you can read the timeline for Paul Dienach saw for humanity here down below:
Timeline (synopsis taken from here: http://galacticlife.blogspot.com/2014/02/29-dreams-of-paul-amadeus-dienach.html?m=1)
2000-2300 A.D. Humanity is still struggling with the problems of overpopulation, ecological destruction of the environment, economic inequalities and wrong monetary system, lack of appropriate nutrition for all people, and local minor wars, . People are living in this hastly race for atomic financial survival without time to look for their inner self and spiritual development.
In 2204 A.D. is completed a large colonization of the planet Mars, of 20 million people.
But in 2265 A.D. a vast natural destruction kills them all. Never again humanity tries to colonize Mars.
(My speculation here: If this is the plan of some evil powerful group then earthly people could avoid it by simply not making a colony on Mars, which is not only an dead planet on the surface but dead also with respect to its internal sun.In addition it is known that in Mars there is an underground base of Orion reptilians with more than 3,000 war-flying discs)
2309 A.D.: As the result of accumulated and non-solved problems, another big disaster comes on earth and is the great global war. A great part of the civilization as we know it is stops to exist. The destruction hits as an almost extinction mainly of the yellow and black races.
My speculation here: If this is the plan of some evil powerful group then earthly people could avoid it by simply not making a colony on Mars, which is not only an dead planet on the surface but dead also with respect to its internal sun.In addition it is known that in Mars there is an underground base of Orion reptilians with more than 3,000 war-flying discs)
2309 A.D.: As the result of accumulated and non-solved problems, another big disaster comes on earth and is the great global war. A great part of the civilization as we know it is stops to exist. The destruction hits as an almost extinction mainly of the yellow and black races.
(My speculation here: By focusing during 2000-2300 A.D. on resolving the difficulties of the overpopulation, of CO2 and climate change, of global adequate nutrition and basic healthy and educated life for all, and of environmental destruction, public-based and not private based monetary systems, and avoidance of any crypto-piracy from reptilian civilizations, the earthly civilization could avoid great scale destruction and instead proceed to the global parliament of 2400 A.D. in a smooth way. To pass to a ubiquitous clean and cheap renewable energy model, open human science must discover the rest of the traditional fields and in particular the unified aether-field equations, that will adopt the free-energy inventions. This also will be a lift to the human consciousness as it will recognize the 2nd material resolution and 1st aether, and shift the human consciousness to be related with even deeper realities, compared to 1st aether and matter.
Also the fact that it is prophesied essentially, extinction of the yellow and black races, shows a connection of this vision with the group of people, that now (1996) live in underground facilities of the moon and call themselves Arians, who also are related with a neo-nazi philosophy. But the time line of this prophesy, may be deeper and independent from such groups, that cloth it with their own desired values and details).
2396 A.D. This great change leads to the final establishment of a Global Parliament on Earth of the Global Union of Nations or States. But this Global Parliament, although its is elected through voting by the nations, is not from politicians or businessmen, but from scientists, technologist, and humanitarian figures. The money as we know it does not exist anymore. The planetary resources are redistributed, and are now enough for every person. The overpopulation , the climate , the nutrition, and the ecological problems are solved. But not entirely the subtle-tyranny problem. Life is easy, and people work less and less during their life. The years start counting again with year number 1 the 2396 (as in the time of Jesus Christ) Nevertheless the Global Government is a form of totalitarianism, and national governments oppose it directly or indirectly for a couple more centuries. People are still with national consciousness and have not developed the planetary consciousness. Only after 2-5 centuries finally they did. Although there are not economic inequalities as we knew them, there are still inequalities over control of the level of technology and properties. People are spiritually weak and sluggish. This “peculiar Dark Age era” lasts till 3400.
(My speculation here: To be sure that the Global Government will not be a totalitarian system and a subtle tyranny, two things could be taken of care a) carefully reject, with any help from friendly more advanced civilizations than we can find, the possibility of any crypro-piracy to the Global Government from reptilian intentions civilizations b) Keep part of the private sector of the nationals and international economy, so as to counter act and balance the super-power of a Global Government. c) Prefer at first a Global Parliament instead of a global government , or even better a global electronic direct democracy.)
3382 A.D.: A remarkable phenomenon happens in humanity. People one after the other acquire suddenly a new spiritual ability that could be called hyper-vision or hyper-intuition. A direct access to “the great Spiritual Light” or “Direct Knowledge” with extremely powerful and of stunning clarity creative powers. It is also a mutation of the human brain.
3400-4000 A.D. A new “Golden Age” comes in humanity after almost 1,000 years of “dark age”. Now in the Global Government are not anymore scientists and technocrats. There the “Universal Creators”. Personalities that combine simultaneously the qualities and abilities of philosopher, artist, scientist, adept, mystic etc. Everything in the society is free, cloths, house, food, transportation, etc, there is no private property, and the only inequalities are of honour and reputation. People do not count anymore the success of their lives with the technological and material standards of living, but mainly with their emotional, mental and spiritual development and self-improvement. People work only 2 years in their whole life, between the equivalent of 17 and 19 years old. The population of earth is less than an billion people, and there is abundance of products for a decent living. The laws in the society are radically reduced to very few only, as the negative or criminal intentions of individuals in the society, are almost absent. There are only three kind of laws, a) those referring to the 2-year term of working b) those referring on how traveling traffic and distribution of goods is done c) those referring to the demographic stable size population (control of births).
You can read the more extensive version of the diary here: https://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Future-amazing-Amadeus-Dienach-ebook/dp/B017QPOPH0