The Story The Illuminati Tried To Hide: The Paul Dienach Diary

The Story The Illuminati Tried To Hide: The Paul Dienach Diary

This vid does a great job of summing it up (by the ever so clever Bill Madon of Youtube’s “Night Terrors” – I like his last name and think he’s cutee!) BUT I STRONGLY SUGGEST READING FURTHER CAUSE THE MORE EXTENSIVE STORY IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING… Back in the 1920’s (using what can be construed as technology before his time ie outer body experiences, future projection – as I call it – and remote viewing) this man was able to see some 3,000 years into the future what would happen to the Earth – and possibly what the Illuminati has

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Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Look at this shit I saw rigtht outside my window one night while sleeping in my car: Can you see it? Here, let me give ya a CLOSER LOOK… I AM NOT GONNA BOTHER HIGHLIGHTING IT as it is only for those with eyes to see and ears to hear… Anyways, here are more “anomalies” and like an “Eye Spy” book… Here are some more: Some more weird shyte and ad for that brown, “shimmering” (THERE AIN’T NOTHING SHINY BY THAT DOOR TO CAUSE THAT) thing by the door again AIN’T NOTHING IN OUR REALM CAUSED THAT… that’s some shit

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