How To Take Your Consciousness Back From Mind Hijackers

How To Take Your Consciousness Back From Mind Hijackers

From what I am understanding Barbara is swapping her whole Soul for others so you think you are battling her when you are battling her victims so beware. That Barbara Reina white supremacist broad is dumb. After she had infused her consciousness and Soul piece (now they are saying whole Soul as inferred by what the astral parasites are saying) with mine, I started to get a taste of white privilege and folks were nicer to me than usual. Meanwhile folks were treating her like shit from what I heard in the spirit realm due to my “black privilege”. As

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Western World Needs To Learn To Take The Spirit World Seriously

Western World Needs To Learn To Take The Spirit World Seriously

Look, a black cat appeared out of nowhere when I was walking out where I’m at to make a video. From what I am hearing the spirits say, it was to send a message but because my third eye is fucked up by Gooru and Barbara Reina, I don’t know: Look. While in jail them women on abilify, seroquel were STILL seeing THE SAME shit that thankfully I can ONLY see through my third eye. They needed shamans; not medicine. Also while there I saw the same spirits fucking with me – Barbara Reina and David Reina and the shit

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