And Yet ANOTHER Vision To Be Recruited Into Being The Antichrist AND SPORTS

And Yet ANOTHER Vision To Be Recruited Into Being The Antichrist AND SPORTS

This shit here ain’t happening for nothing… Mexican Attacks Black Woman THESE PEOPLE HERE: ARE AGENTS OF DARKNESS! That said, I had a convoluted VISION the other night of being recruited into becoming the Antichrist – Not a first! It had something to do with sports – the manipulation of it – and making inroads for a BLACK WOMAN to become the Antichrist! Now, mind you, I saw Egyptian motifs – I was told Egyptian deities were around me, hell you can see Nefertiti formed in my shadow, here: Now it makes sense behind why Katy Perry’s “Dark

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They Can’t Kill My Spirit

They Can’t Kill My Spirit

Though they try… I RECOGNIZE that the reason behind why THIS happened: Along with the subsequent RACIST trolls like Irene Brennan looking to pick on me while in a weakened state like vultures to (what they think is) a carcass here: Along with DEMONICALLY POSSESSED/INHABITED individuals like here: IS cause they wanna kill my spirit! Like reptilians, they feed off of misery, pain like the reptilian induced attack that occurred against me, recently! It’s designed to throw me off course, divert my attention from doing what I came here to do and I recognize that, I recognize

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