Before I begin going into what it is that I wanna talk about…. I wanted to mention that last Thursday night I spotted this strange juxtaposition of this ufo orb “star” next to the moon…. ?+⭐=? – Also peep how unusually wide my eyes look…. almost alien, like “future human” in appearance…. I HATE the new format of wordpress. The older version was mad easier…. Anyways, before I get into the heart ❤ of things…. I overheard some wetbucks last night talking shit about me, saying “Leave” and at one point I overheard him telling another chick to chuck a
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UFO Appears Over Malibu
Before I begin I notice that demons have been low key making themselves known to me…… Here is the sigil of baphomet appearing via manipulation of the lights in my van…… Here his sigil…… Here the baphomet….. And just today a demon, reptilian, pazuzu (?) made an appearance….. – Note the various facial expressions it makes……. Here is how pazuzu looks….. Alot of it is cause I have been making progress with cleansing myself inwardly mainly and freeing myself of all these entities that have been occupying my right side…… That said just the other night I saw a blatant
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Orb Plans To Jail Me On It’s UFO As Shown In Astral Dream
I noticed that when they came last night – I saw shadows outside where no one was – my light started flickering on and off repeatedly…… I saw at least with one homeless – a male heroin addict – that he was Soul scalped aka had his Soul replaced with that of a powerful un-Earthly witch (I sensed she had red hair) perhaps to help him overcome his addiction and self destructive ways. In my case one of those “sacrificing giant heads” was removed that was causing me alot of great harm and was keeping me stuck…… I’ve talked about
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Actual UFO Seen Over Miracle Mile
HERE IS A SCREENSHOT! – Notice you don’t see a “wing” like an airplane would have where the other light is. THAT is a ufo (AND I had a hard time uploading the pic). As this article says: …and here: LOS ANGELES IS THE REPTILIAN CAPITAL OF ‘MURICA! That’s why so many anomalous objects can ve SEEN over the Golden State (since so many inhabitants here actually hail from outerwordly places). Hell, a couple of days ago, when I rolled my eyes at an old woman, SHE HISSED AT ME! That said, what many may think are “airplanes”
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Mysterious Green Light Beaming Across From Malibu
Here the green light I’m talking about: BTW, last night the sheriffs’ helicopters were flying overhead near that Ocean’s restaurant in Malibu and the SOB was flying MAD LOW! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also heard a weird pulsating “boop” sound much like whales are said to emit which sounds much like the Taos Hum: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is strange but I’ve been seeing this light go off and on for awhile now… Saw it last night: Couple of nights before, too: I’ve been seeing this phenomenon for quite
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Is The Illuminati Pushing Transgenderism and Homosexuality To Bring Back Ancient Roman Practice of Human Sacrifice
The sense I get is that allll this push towards homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. is designed as a way to return us back to the days of Ancient Greece where these behaviors along with bestiality, pedophilia and ultimately – HUMAN SACRIFICE – were accepted. Here is why: Okay, what made me write this is because while researching #pizzagate I discovered the story of Antinous who was by all intents and purposes a forced boy “lover” to Greek Emperor, Hadrian! To note, Hadrian later on had Antinous “SACRIFICED” AKA MURDERED WHICH IS THE ELITES OF TODAY’S ULTIMATE GOAL: LEGALIZE ALL THE SEXUAL
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Is This Weird Star A UFO
I noticed this weird, unusually bright “star” high up in the sky one early Friday night/ Saturday morning. What do you think it could be? Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29379″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Usually I see these things when drastic changes in my personal life are headed my way. What do you think it is? I personally think it’s ufo related cause ain’t no way in HELL you gonna see a star that hella bright (the skies have been clear and even at MALIBU AT NIGHT I nary saw even a similar star to this) at this time of the
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Seeing Shadow People Evil Ghosts And UFOs All In One Night
Wow… there is a REASON behind why I always sensed bad spiritual energy… or just strong energy (people are cool here) around this area. Look at the shit I saw while strolling at night (something TOLD ME TO TAKE THESE): BETTER? You see the scary shit I’m talking about now… Here, if your ass is blind like Ray Charles, here’s a close up of that scary shit… This has got to be some Chinese, maybe Japanese Ghost: That shit look evil. That said, here is an image I TOOK TODAY (right after witnessing all this last night) how that same
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Tom Joyner In A Mothership and Aliens Sending Me A Warning
…Paying me a “visit” cause I said something “out of turn.” Look at these photos and tell ME that something weird AIN’T going on… THIS IS WHAT I SAW Here are some pictures to confirm it: Here are more: And this below is a fucking sigil that appeared the morning after this “experience” (possible abduction): THAT looks EXACTLY like a crop circle, which you can see an example of below: And THIS IS A SIGIL: These aliens were trying to give me a sign! You can’t tell me
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Angel Sighted In The Sky Over Miracle Mile Los Angeles During Total Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015
Here is the video: Buy vid here ??[purchase_link id=”29201″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are the pictures… This was for real! I don’t know what it was trying to say as I do not believe in the existence of angels in xtian theological sense – I believe that they called angels back then were really aliens since that is what folk with a simple understanding of the world could equate them to at the time and if you look at depictions of the alien race, the Anunnaki – who created ancient Sumer, the first human
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