Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

To Taurean Reign, Titus Frost and others… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29671″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!!!! Take the “advertiser-boycott’s” ADVICE AND GET THE FUCK OFF OF YOUTUBE WHILE YOU CAN! They do NOT want you and find effective ways via which to host your site (Ya’ll got millions of followers – you can DO IT!) by posting up advertisements, patreons, etc. That said, the advertising boycott of truther channels did not come from out of nowhere – they are delibetately removing advertisers from the big channels (while just overtly removing the smaller channels – like

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Youtuber Spiritree Says Google Employees Spy On Her And Manipulate Racial Tensions and Push Agendas

Youtuber Spiritree Says Google Employees Spy On Her And Manipulate Racial Tensions and Push Agendas

…Straight outta this woman’s mouth (the vid was originally 33 something minutes long – NOTE the “33” – but I cut it down to the most important part): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29534″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] (You can watch the full video here: That said, this is PROOF POSITIVE of what many conspiracy sites, suspecious people especially those in the black community, have long suspected! The lady here ADMITS that there are two Google/Youtube employees – a male and a female (funny because a tarot card reader going back to 2016 long advised me of this) manipulates the “recommended”

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Titus Frost That John Podesta Pizzagate Torture Video IS REAL

Titus Frost That John Podesta Pizzagate Torture Video IS REAL

Screenshot taken from John Podesta video (DOES THIS LOOK LIKE FUCKING “CHRIS CHAN” TO YOU???): Here is the video I am talking about: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29353″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is Titus Frost of Youtube’s reaction here: Here is my response: That said I just got through watching the Titus Frost take on this and I can’t help but get disgusted at how he is in a way throwing the whole #pizzagate thing – and thus kids’ lives – put the window all cause he wants a few coins which many people was the cause of the

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Anyone Who Wants Me To Return To Youtube Is A Sadistic Asshole

Anyone Who Wants Me To Return To Youtube Is A Sadistic Asshole

There ain’t no getting around it… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29340″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] ANYONE WHO WANTS ME TO RETURN TO A CYCLE OF LACK OF FREEDOM AND CENSORSHIP THEN FALSE FLAGGING AND ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION OF MY WORK IS AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE. Here is why… Youtube is PHASING OUT INDIVIDUAL CREATORS/ CHANNEL BROADCASTERS. At some point in the not too far off future it WILL become YOUTUBE RED and the YOU WILL BE CROSSED OUT: Think about it: They are already DEMONITIZING CREATORS, including ones like Pewdiepie for “controversial shit” EVEN THOUGH people had been talking controversial shit – and

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FUCK YOUTUBE! Visit Me Here On

FUCK YOUTUBE! Visit Me Here On

Every now and then when I leave youtube – mostly cause they shut my channels down but NOW because – and even advertisers are tired of em – advertisers are “pulling out” (sexual pun intended) cause they got controversial shit they long been knew about existed online (bitch, this ain’t regular TV and that shit ain’t regulated by the FCC – Youtube I mean) – I get some cornball who says, “When are you coming back?” WHICH IS JUST AN UNAPPRECIATIVE, THANKLESS ASSHOLE’S WAY OF SAYING, “YES, BUILD A LIBRARY OF VIDEOS FOR MY INTELLECTUAL/ ENTERTAINMENT GRATIFICATION ONLY TO WATCH

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