I Think It’s Time For Me To Go

I Think It’s Time For Me To Go

Tired of being here. Just setback after setback after setback usually caused by drinking…. but drinking is the only way I can cope with being here. I don’t want to be here! If it weren’t for enemies wanting to see me die, the love of my family and what’s waiting for me on the other side, I been done offed myself a long time ago. It’s depressing being here. I am tired of this cycle! The constricted throat chakra comes from here….. Do Not Send Your Kid To St. Katherine Drexel High School AKA Xavier Prep

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To The Starseeds Out There Never Let The System or ANYONE Change You

To The Starseeds Out There Never Let The System or ANYONE Change You

I’m saying it cause of this….       Hear ??? me saying it ???       That being said – as I have seen from MY EXPERIENCE – the system and what I call organic portals or organic robotoids of humans (they are the ones who we can sense are kinda dead with no personality and just follow the ways and machinations of the system without question such as being concerned about status, material things – BUT THE KEY IS THEIR LACK OF AN ENERGY SIGNATURE ???) will try to tear us down but we are better than

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Introducing The People of Sarania

Introducing The People of Sarania

New painting series! Imma start showing the visions that had been sent to me since I was a little person: I now realise I’ve been seeing into a whole ‘nother world. A world where my ancestors may have come from: See, a while back, during the appeals thing in Malibu…. – Looking back on it, low key glaad that shit passed. Got rid of all these haterz I was trying to save like the Los Angeles Daygo Wop who wanted to run me out while I was actually the only SANE one running to those fucking appeal meetings – his

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Myself As Proof of Aliens Amongst You

Myself As Proof of Aliens Amongst You

I want you to look at my eyes: That is not normal. Notice they look alot like that panther’s eyes on the right side. They form a diamond like shape as if shapeshifting like the panther’s to the right. Here are some more. Note the strangeness of the shape of the pupils and the sheen and that even in very little light they form pinpoints…  My ear are even pointy as you can see below: Let me tell you some very weird things about my childhood before I start talking about the correlation between me vis a vis ufo’s/ aliens.

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