Spiritual Protection Steps Up To Fuck Up Gangstalkers

Spiritual Protection Steps Up To Fuck Up Gangstalkers

I heard that bump 👻 in the night and I knew…… TOLD YA! Here the tow truck showing up…. Call em, hoe, call em ☎️👻 I hear they mad 🤣😂 right now. You can’t be fucking with people, especially those with spiritual protection. Glad that shit is returning ever since I been freeing myself of this…… shit. Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits There was a time where I didn’t have to ‘woke mofos and their “karma” was instantaneous. But that path was necessary for me to become a God as you

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Why It’s Good To Have Evil Spirits For Protection

Why It’s Good To Have Evil Spirits For Protection

I had this one white boy say to me that, “There is something evil around you!” [purchase_link id=”31661″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] GOOD! As long as it works at YOUR COMMAND – emphasis on THAT word, that’s all that matters! As a GOOD PERSON, I don’t believe in that “turn the other cheek” shit. TOO MANY people done fucked with me for NOOO REASON! Now it’s time for that due! I like having the POWER to determine where you go in the afterlife, fuck it up! That’s what THEY – MY ENEMIES – fear that, want you to “turn the other

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Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Just looking at this guy’s profile (he was one of the ones involved), he looks like a fucking demon SHOWING WHAT SPIRIT IS IN HIM: Imma say this… I kinda wonder if somebody put some shit on me cause ever since I went toe to toe with another witch it’s just been bad shit happening out the ordinary… I’m protected, mind you (esp. in terms of what you will hear about what happened from yesterday which was ASTOUNDING – HAD TO BE AN ANGEL!) but that said a couple of weeks ago, interestingly AFTER my online skirmish with the three

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Occult Science 101: Spiritual People Need Divine Protection

Occult Science 101: Spiritual People Need Divine Protection

It dawned on me that people like myself “ain’t of this world” so we need DIVINE PROTECTORS TO HELP US! What do I mean by that? A while back I wrote about how goddesses like Oshun, Thor are all agents of the Demiurge, avatars – which could be true: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/12/are-the-gods-and-goddesses-of-every-religion-and-spiritual-system-energy-harvesters-for-the-archons/ https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/18/dudes-banging-bongo-drums-to-curse-me-or-seek-favor-from-yemaya/ That said, as I explained – they were ordinary people like us who’s asses smelled like ours, LIVED as we do now and just developed “superpowers” like Jesus Christ and opening ourselves to Our Divine Feminine Spirit and when they transitioned – as we will – out of our

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Van Gangstalking of Homeless And Coming Into My Divine Realization of Self

Van Gangstalking of Homeless And Coming Into My Divine Realization of Self

Man, it’s been a journey… This is what BAS-TARDS like this here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/05/04/stalker-jeff-smith-who-works-for-pleasant-valley-iowa-public-schools-calls-woman-a-nigger/ This: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/irene-brennan-a-breakdown-of-the-type-of-reptilian-demon-possessed-people-who-come-for-me/ And this: https://toplessinla.org/2018/04/13/this-is-what-going-up-against-the-matrix-really-looks-like/ Were trying to stop me from: Coming into Divine Knowledge of My Self! Now I’m Complete: That said, as I explain here…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31238″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Energy vampires amorously come after ne for One Reason: to drain me of my energy via sex as the Great Baba Bobby Hemmitt Explains: I also talk about Earthly, mundane world 3D shit like van gangstalking but I’m protected: https://toplessinla.org/2018/05/03/i-got-some-powerful-gods-around-me/ …So I ain’t got shit to worry about!

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Los Angeles Sheriff’s Demons Tell Me I Can’t Wear Spiritual Protective Jewelry In Court

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Demons Tell Me I Can’t Wear Spiritual Protective Jewelry In Court

I’m not surprised. Watch these videos. In one of em – I believe her name was “Dominguez” – I heard her cussing, at one point I heard her call me the “n word”, talking shit about me all because of those protective stones and at one point she picked it up and then dropped the black tourmaline with disdain as if her demonic ass was offended by their very presence! That’s why I wear em; they stay EXPOSING DEMONS AND PROTECTING ME FROM THEM AS WELL AND THEY DID A GREAT JOB! The LASD security Dominguez – whom I’ve brought

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