This Is Why I Stay From Folks Who Fuck With Those Natty Ass Black Afrikan Spiritual Systems And Religions

This Is Why I Stay From Folks Who Fuck With Those Natty Ass Black Afrikan Spiritual Systems And Religions

The jealousy from this one is off the charts…… This black nigger bitch is officially a spiritual agent sent to sabotage me….. peep IT’S recent words….. Nigger you ain’t on my level cause you don’t even have a Soul! That is all I felt when I saw this was jealousy and….. possession – And, note, the only person to encourage me was a white womban! It is because my Soul is white: This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody Coming Out As Transracial aka Trans White Black Woman’s Past Life As A Rich

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Mexican Latina Tries To Use Black Ancestral Spirits To Attack A Black Woman

Mexican Latina Tries To Use Black Ancestral Spirits To Attack A Black Woman

WOW, THIS BITCH IS A RACIST WHO USES BLACK PEOPLE SPIRITUALITY while saying we aren’t powerful cause we are “lost” (while trying to take our energies aka ancestors and powers)….. SEE how these other non black races do us: Here my response…. LOL! White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover I don’t think this gonna end well for her like that white girl who ended up dying as a result of trying to do the same – by summoning a black ancestral spirit to hurt her black ex lover as shown above.

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I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

I excluded caribbean hispanics out the equation (Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Dominican) cause I lived in NYC and other than some rare colorist shit they aren’t demonic like these mofos. They also don’t come from the areas Quetzalcoatl, a reptilian, dominated – which were areas the Aztecs and Mayans lived in which was South America: – He didn’t look like this. He was a fucking serpent as shown in the pictures below: You can read more on him here: – This article is REAL interesting and I’m gonna reference this later on…. Sound like he was related

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Why Are Blacks Against Abortion When Child Sacrifice IS A Part of Our Ancient Afrikan Spiritual Systems

Why Are Blacks Against Abortion When Child Sacrifice IS A Part of Our Ancient Afrikan Spiritual Systems

That’s why I kinda brought up the generational curses thing (all due to a family wanting to get back at a mofo for it, here): – My thoughts: the body is a physical container for your soul, NOT your real self, So… I’ll just let you watch this… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29735″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] BUT here’s a few talking points… I did the vid as a response to government agent/shill Taurean Reign pushing the whole “Margaret Meade is evil” diversionary illuminati tactic “blacks are dying everywhere” FEAR BASED MONGERING HERE: Black people through our indigenous spiritual

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Is America Developing A Cult of Death Worship

Is America Developing A Cult of Death Worship

I saw these at a 99 cents store recently:                                                       Here’s illuminati owl and bird (crow/Raven) imagery:                             Basically, in effect – if you live in L.A. and ever visited botanicas, you would know what they are! They are basically the Mexican equivalent of Afrikan voodoo’s (or voudon) Baron Samedi or Baron Saturday: It’s no surprise (and I’m glad it’s going

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Shout Out To Clauneck The MONEY Demon

Shout Out To Clauneck The MONEY Demon

I did this video a while back… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29256″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] But because of Youtube’s RACIST censorship policies which you can read here these mofos forced me to place it here… That said, Clauneck the demon is a WONDERFUL demon to go to in times of money. Hell, this man in this blog here: …talks about the origins of The Great Clauneck the Demon as I further elaborated on in my video…

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