The Idea of KKK Outfits and Burqas Come From Astral Witches

The Idea of KKK Outfits and Burqas Come From Astral Witches

Whoa….. Told ya ?? Here I talk about the occult origins of the burqa and kkk outfits, hence the terms “Grand Wizard” and “Grand Dragon“: [purchase_link id=”31594″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here I explain how what I witnessed what shadow beings doing shows how tai chi comes from them: [purchase_link id=”31598″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] These are the type of outfits some types of em even wear (though they have no face and are fully covered head to toe like the demons in Jacob’s Ladder). BTW before I begin let me show you a ghost I saw on Willie D’s facebook

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RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

This is why people shoot NIGGERS, most predominantly black “men”: Now, I don’t know how many times I have stated on my ads and my websites that I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO BLACK MEN, yet the black hordes keep coming to me, and harassing me and even calling my so called “afrocentric features” ugly while pushing me to like black “men” by saying: “You are an uncle tom and a sell out for not wanting to date your own race” (well, I guess the same can be said for you all since most of you homophobes won’t touch another brother,

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Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

* This post is and approved, lol! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28976″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alright, here I am, spooking some SPOOKS dressed as the klan for Halloween 2013, lol! Basically below are a set of all the pictures I took while walking in West Hollywood and into various police stations, including the Wilshire Community police station and the Hollywood police station on Wilcox – LAPD – asking if they know of any cross brunings – festive aren’t they – going on in the area. In one instance, I walked into the police station DRUNK which you can

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