Foreboding Nightmare About LAPD, Drugs and Murder

Foreboding Nightmare About LAPD, Drugs and Murder

My friend had the first dream, and I had two of the same one twice in a row… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The cosmic universe is telling me something…I believe that when you dream, you go into parallel universes, etc. However, your dreams can be a precognitive thought into the realm of what is going to happen to you in the future, hence the term “precognition” where you can see something before it takes place. That is what I feel both dreams, rather, NIGHTMARES that is is telling me…   I have always had somewhat psychic

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Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

  Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28896″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed that, right after the Bank of America incident, which you can see right here, I have had a second encounter with the LAPD in which numerous times the PD officer on the scene, Officer Goldberg (badge No. 36672) told me that: 1) They showed up for a naked lady (nasty ass) 2) That he was going to call the Department of Transportation to render me a ticket (LAPD is authorized to do that themselves) 3) He claims I believe that he got a call from a civilian yet my

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Film Footage of the First False Arrest By LAPD For Being Topless and Female In Public

Film Footage of the First False Arrest By LAPD For Being Topless and Female In Public

Here is finally released film footage of the first false arrest at the hands of LAPD Officers Morrow, Noble along with others, including Sgt. Morse (who is presumably off camera and can not be seen cause I saw him for the majority of time while I was in the cop car, waiting to be ushered down to the precinct jail **of note, he was, from what I witnessed, wearing a name tag bearing the name “Valenzuela”, presumably to keep me from identifying him later on***) Buy vids (3 part series) here [purchase_link id=”28839″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on the whole

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Federal Injunction Filed Against LAPD By Topless Female

Federal Injunction Filed Against LAPD By Topless Female

Here in this video, I talk about filing my federal injunction against the LAPD… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28820″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I am so proud of myself. It took me a while – close to a month – to study what I needed to study to get this thing through, and now it is finally going through… Here in this video, I talk about and actually show myself serving papers…have fun and I look forward to seeing the L.A.P.D. in court! 😉 Peace!

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Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

This is the second false detention video of my neighbor, who was merely detained for speaking her mind on a public sidewalk. Fortunately, this video was taken by a neighbor who was also frustratingly and violently told by Sgt. Morse to keep on moving and that it wasn’t his “business” to that effect. This all took place on April 6, 2014. The officers involved are: Deckel (badge no. 41400), Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400), Estevez (the main instigator) – (badge no. 36886) – and an unnamed Asian female officer. I plan on filing a federal lawsuit by the end of this

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