How I Got Rid of A Reptilian Living Inside of Me And How To Do It

How I Got Rid of A Reptilian Living Inside of Me And How To Do It

Many folks have said it couldn’t be done: I did it! I haven’t genuinely smiled like that since I was…. 13 (yes, high school had that brutal of an impact on me). I explain it right here:     I honest think sorta closing the right chakra and letting it be open a lil ran him up the street since he could not feed off the negative energy that I was unwittingly putting out due to antagonistic organic portals he influenced to fuck with me…. but did I really win….. I have never been this joyfull ????✨?? I feel whole.

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Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

This was offered to me awhile back:   I have a policy where I am afraid to work with entities outside of what I create ie egregores. That being said, listening to this video on Hecate last night: WHO IS SOOOO LIKE ME (someone said Lilith but I don’t believe in going around killing other folks’ kids like she supposedly does even though I had two abortions which don’t count) – the trajectory she took in life while physically alive, vowing to be alone, never having kids, misunderstood…. THAT IS ME in so many ways…. damn! That being said, I

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Shout Out To Clauneck The MONEY Demon

Shout Out To Clauneck The MONEY Demon

I did this video a while back… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29256″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] But because of Youtube’s RACIST censorship policies which you can read here these mofos forced me to place it here… That said, Clauneck the demon is a WONDERFUL demon to go to in times of money. Hell, this man in this blog here: …talks about the origins of The Great Clauneck the Demon as I further elaborated on in my video…

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What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch

Yeah, I know I’m BLACK 😉 But that’s not what I am referring to when I say “dark…”   To make a long story short for the longest time I have always been a “good” person – not a nice person – nice people are living doormats who are always getting stepped on by the more ambitious and biggest users of our world. No, not that… I used to be a “copwatcher” and help people – selfishlessly and free of charge using my own money to drive up and down Figueroa every night and make sure cops didn’t fuck with

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