I wanna say this regarding Maria Parafin and her lower self, the tarot reader who I got a reading from

Astral Vision Shows Young White Lady Getting Kidnapped By Rapist Mechanic At The Impound
This was vivid as a mofo….. I was traveling with a big “white dude”…. he wasn’t human, he was an aquatic reptilian in human face as it turns out….. when we stopped. We were out in a desert area. It seemed like we were in Vegas. I saw a mechanic who looked alot like this dude here from The Matrix….. He look like the rapist dude here I once pursued….. Chasing My Rapist The Serial Rapist Who Drives Buick California License Plate Number 5SVE309 NEEDS TO BE KILLED I saw him talking to the “guy” I was with – he
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