Looking For A Remote Flexible Online Job That Don’t Do Background Checks or Require Resumes

Looking For A Remote Flexible Online Job That Don’t Do Background Checks or Require Resumes

Just now this energy vampire crakkka sexually harassed me via calling me and these texts…. His number is 617-468-0907. Give that pos a call ☎️ I absolutely loathe how I make side money now…. I hate it and I hate the motherfuckers I see whom I forced to do so due to finacial constraints. I know I got my lil etsy business but I get clientele far few and in between (in the future when I get enough money I plan to buy in bulk crystals and resell them) so, for rainy days, I feel that I am stuck still

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Aunt Jemima Vons Black Employee Refuses To Serve Me Cause of What I Am Wearing

Aunt Jemima Vons Black Employee Refuses To Serve Me Cause of What I Am Wearing

I think her name is Dawn or Tosha. She work at the Vons here: 17380 Sunset Blvd Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 You can contact corporate here: 1421 Manhattan Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 714-300-6000 – People gotta learn not to play with me. This what she complaining about: This how she look, wearing a fucking shower cap on her head looking like Aunt Jemima: – Ole slave looking bitch… No wonder. Shit was covered like a polar bear. I can see – though I don’t agree with it – if I were straight up fucking shirtless but I got a BIG

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The Difference Between Me And A Bedwench And Why I HATE Black Folks Who Think A White Lusting After Them Is A Compliment

The Difference Between Me And A Bedwench And Why I HATE Black Folks Who Think A White Lusting After Them Is A Compliment

By doing that you buck the heads of this crakkka or is a fake khazar jew….. – Who I woulda sent to the gas chamber in my past life, fucking oven magnet 🤚🏻 Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese I hate the bedwench mentality and the mentality that many black folks have where they think that if any other race – esp. white – is lusting (keyword: LUSTING, NOT WANTING TO MARRY YOU) after you LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT, WANTING TO TREAT YOU AS A JEZEBEL HYPERSEXUALIZED STEREOTYPE, that it

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People And Spirits Cruelly Using Animals To Carry Out Occult Rituals

People And Spirits Cruelly Using Animals To Carry Out Occult Rituals

JUST NOW A NEW BABY CAT APPEARED FROM THOR….. I told ya I got an Aryan connection…… Thor Does Not Want White Supremacists Worshipping Him Thor Does NOT Want White Supremacist Worshipping Him Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese It seems the more I heal this baby furbaby been comfortable with coming up to me more and more….. Early this morning while filming you can hear the poor orange tabby green eyed baby saying, “Help me” (I watch animal vids and I SWEAR these mofos are starting to talk with insects

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White Supremacist Racist Employee Named Billy Who Works For West Hills Towing In Canoga Park Thinks It Is Okay To Disrespect Black Women Cause He Sees Us All As Crackheads

White Supremacist Racist Employee Named Billy Who Works For West Hills Towing In Canoga Park Thinks It Is Okay To Disrespect Black Women Cause He Sees Us All As Crackheads

Imma start going back to reporting mofos to their jobs when they do fucked up shit to me on the streets as I used to back in the day: West Hills Towing 7333 Deering Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91303 818-884-0068 Their other number is….. 818-232-1494 They ain’t picking up….. Here they are using another line at 818-232-1494 Racist mofo tensed up when he knew his job might be on the line…. Fucking Billy Bob…… He thought I was playing checkers but, before I became Queen of the ‘Woke I was Da Qween 👸🏼 of Getting Mofos Fired From Their Jobs

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Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese

Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese

Makes sense why Thor appeared to me…. Thor Does NOT Want White Supremacist Worshipping Him Thor Does Not Want White Supremacists Worshipping Him – I don’t think this is a good enough picture but at certain angles and in certain lighting you can see a resemblance in the perpetually as I call it “rollover lolly eyes” and other facial constructs…. Holy shit she ran RAVENSBRÜCK CONCENTRATION CAMP AND MY NAME RAVEN 🤣😂 – Too many fucking similarities…. It makes sense. I am not gonna lie, ever since I was a kid I have always had serial killer tendencies. As a

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Tarot Reading Shows Cross Dressing Serial Killing Husband Is Gonna Torture And Kill His Wife

Tarot Reading Shows Cross Dressing Serial Killing Husband Is Gonna Torture And Kill His Wife

Damn I been tapping into some WEIRD ass energy lately! The dude in the featured image is Colonel Russell Williams (unfortunately we share the same name), a serial killer in the Canadian airforce who murdered and raped droves of women…. then dressed like them too….. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Williams_(criminal) – LOL that mofo look retarded….

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Black Biracial Women Saying Wetbacks Abused Them For Being Black

Black Biracial Women Saying Wetbacks Abused Them For Being Black And Why You Must See Race Through Spiritual Eyes

– I seriously know that because they are under direct control due to their archon/reptilian bloodline that those reptilians are protecting em, hence why no one has a problem with em when I talk about this….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians I been saying that there is something really wrong with those low vibratory mofos which is why I look down upon them and just call them out 👇🏻 Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Mexicans and South

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Tarot Reading Shows Soulled People Starseeds Are Under Attack

Tarot Reading Shows Soulled People Starseeds Are Under Attack

As we ascend towards the start of the rapture for us Soulled people, the demiurge and his archons are stepping up psychic attacks against us….. – Been getting alot of weird energy lately. At least they black! I wanna say – I notice that as I ascend my energy alone has been warding off the wetbacks. I been saying for a long time that there is something wrong with the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl aka the children of the demiurge aka satan: John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians 6000 hz frequency, a frequency used

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An Amazonian Shaman Caused The Mandela Effect To Avert A Major War With Creatures From Another World

An Amazonian Shaman Caused The Mandela Effect To Avert A Major War With Creatures From Another World

Reminds me of this Reddit story here….. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/8lv8fi/i_woke_up_in_an_alternate_universe/ – It is a very good read. We woulda been grappling with non human creatures, including dinosaurs, not of our world! I saw that what woulda caused this rift in time and space was I saw a bunch of dark entities – maybe robed beings – swarm I am sensing a world leader at a conference which woulda taken place in what I saw an Aztec temple in 2011 – the date shown to me (I was expecting 2012) in which a giant Aztec serpent – Quetzalcoatl I am guessing who could

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