Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

In this video I RANT about how Christians have a dumb, linear, tunnel visioned perspective when it comes to TRUE SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS, including how most of their symbolism was appropriated from so called “pagan” traditions why their lil sociopathic narrow minded war against nature: against nudity, people living their lives as homosexuals, transgenders – got their lil social group on the wan and headed towards extinction: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29331″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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The Demiurge And WHY Christians Face So Many Demonic Attacks

The Demiurge And WHY Christians Face So Many Demonic Attacks

You ain’t worshipping YOUR BOY properly. You can learn more about him in the Gnostic text HERE: http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/freemasonry_5.html and HERE: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Demiurgehttp://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Demiurge Watch my video on it, HERE: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29327″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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LAPD Shows LASD How To Properly Treat A Topless Lady

LAPD Shows LASD How To Properly Treat A Topless Lady

Note how LAPD treated me… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29314″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] In stark contrast to how the LA County Sheriff’s department treated me ::2020 UPDATE: FUNNY HOW SHIT HAS CHANGED IN MALIBU WITH MALIBU SHERIFFS:: Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”29317″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, according to In Re Gianni and most definitely – Robins vs County of Los Angeles IT IS LEGAL FOR A WOMAN TO GO TOPLESS (The City of LA exploited a loophole and created an ordinance stating that at public beaches we can’t go topless) which you can read here: Female Toplessness in Public is

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Two Uncle Tom Azzholes Who Feel Black Womban Should Bow Down To Em

Two Uncle Tom Azzholes Who Feel Black Womban Should Bow Down To Em

The two assholes I speak of are: Yashuah Haggerty, whose Facebook profile can be seen here: https://m.facebook.com/yashua.haggerty?tsid=0.07751247007533135&source=typeahead AND this other lil mofo (HE LOOKS LIKE A FHAGGOT) here, Michael Kayain Johnson: https://m.facebook.com/KayainKJO?tsid=0.4482525890784148&source=typeahead Here’s screenshots taken from their respective pages: YOU SHOULDA NEVER FUCKED WITH ME BUT YOU’RE GONNA LEARN TODAY!!! Looking at that picture, I see an Urkel looking mofo with low self esteem… Here the FAGGOT, MICHAEL KAYAIN JOHNSON: I see you work at “Michael’s” in North Carolina. Shoulda never came for me, bruh. Here’s more: Here’s why BOTH these bitches are ON MY SHIT LIST! Look at what

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True Christ Consciousness: What Jesus Christ Really Taught

True Christ Consciousness: What Jesus Christ Really Taught

The great Goddess Kali in Hinduism taught that: “In order to destroy demons, you must become one.” Jesus Christ was NO PUNK! He didn’t teach to “be a wimp,” to “be a stooge,” to “Be a punching bag!” (The Roman Emperor deliberately picked and manipulated the now BUY-BULL from the Gnostic text based on Jesus Christ’s SAYINGS – NOT teachings – in order to CONTROL THE PEOPLE BY RENDERING THEM “passive” just as the UN-HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS BEEN DOING FOR CENTURIES NOW) If anything, HE TAUGHT THE OPPOSITE: TO BE FIERCE, TO FIGHT BACK, AND TO BE A

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The Cowardly Nature of the Cluckerbeast: Mike Hauk of Arizona

The Cowardly Nature of the Cluckerbeast: Mike Hauk of Arizona

IF THERE IS ONE THING I CAN’T STAND… I can’t stand a COWARDLY mofo who attacks you FIRST but expects no repercussions. Bitch, you got me fucked up… Here I am, introducing MIKE HUCK OF TUSCON, ARIZONA: Look below at this message this BASTARD SENT AFTER HARASSING ME: Like many cluckers and like many people who’ve INTRUDED INTO MY LIFE, this mofo came BOTHERING ME – OUT OF THE BLUE – CALLING ME ALL SORTS OF RACIAL NAMES, ETC. AND YET EXPECTS ME TO DO Nothing… Bruh, you got me fucked up! Like a wimp, like so many cowardly bullies,

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Who Really Was Jesus Christ

Who Really Was Jesus Christ

In this video I break down who Jesus Christ REALLY WAS vs. the falsefied images and information you hear in conventional society all the time: > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29302″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] PS did you know that the depiction conventionally shown of Jesus Christ is not actually Jesus (who was actually black) but Cesare Borgia: …A RAPIST, INCESTUOUS, INBRED MURDERER AND SO CALLED (BASTARD) CHILD OF EQUALLY REPULSIVE POPE RODRIGO, WHOSE EXPLOITS (BOTH OF EM’S) YOU CAN READ ABOUT HERE: http://larrybuttrose.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-bad-were-borgias-really.html?m=1Β  – Also Jesus Christ taught hermetics (the art of “innerstanding”, of knowing thyself and the opening of

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